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Y6: Friday 1st May

Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 12:40pm


L/O To recap learning about converting measures.

It’s been a while since we learnt to convert measures – some of you were even in school for this!


These are some of the most common units and their equivalents. Make sure you know these conversions.

Length: 1km = 1000m, 1m = 100cm, 1cm = 10mm

Weight: 1tonne = 1000kg, 1kg = 1000g, 1g = 1000mg

Capacity 1l = 100cl, 1cl = 10ml, 1l = 1000ml

How many things around the house can you find to measure, weight and look at the capacity of? Every time you measure something, you will build up your understanding of how long, how heavy or how much liquid something can hold.

There’s a sheet attached to recap the learning that we completed a few weeks ago. Have a go to see how much you can remember. Don’t worry if you can’t print it out, just write the answers down on another piece of paper. The answers are attached, but no peeking!

More maths? Here’s another game on nrich!


English – for Miss Harper

Writing task

L.O: To use the features of a diary

Open the document called: Animal Town writing task. You will notice that it is the same image from the last piece of English home learning that you did. This time you are going to use it to help you write a diary entry. You have written diary entries before, so this is not new to you.

1)      Spend at least 5 minutes planning who you want to be writing in the voice of. You could be someone who visited Animal Town for the first time. You could be someone who works there? Or in true Arbella style, you could be writing in the voice of one of the animals.

2)      Pretend you are the person/animal who is writing the diary. Think about these questions to get your ideas flowing.

What have you been doing today?

Did anything surprise you, why?

Was it a normal day, why/why not?

Did you see anybody else?

How do you feel now once you are home?

3)      Read through the success criteria on the sheet

4)      Have a good go at writing your diary entry. You can write/type it on the Animal Town sheet or you can write it on a piece of paper.

Keep this work in the ‘writing’ section of your folder.


Wider Curriculum – History 2 From Miss Taylor

L.O: to identify the countries involved in WW2 and their roles in the war

There were 3 main groups of countries involved in the war. From a British perspective, they are referred to as the Allied Forces (allied means that you are united), the Axis Powers (axis meaning the enemy) and the Axis Controlled countries (countries taken over by the Axis Powers). The link below takes you to a BBC Teach video for you to learn more.

The video uses the word colony and refers to the British Empire. A colony is a country or part of a country that is ruled by another. Sometimes it is fully ruled and sometimes only partially ruled.  An empire is a vast group of countries ruled by one Monache/country. By the end of Queen Victoria’s reign, The British Empire looked like this – the red land was ruled by the British Monache. Britain’s rule remained similar through the early 1900s and up until WW2. How could this play a part in WW2?

Photo credit:

Watch: Before you watch the clip, make a chart with 3 columns labelled: Allied Forces, Axis Powers and Axis Controlled Countries (countries that the Axis Powers invaded and took control of). Watch the short clip below and make a note of each country that is mentioned and which group it fits into – you might need to pause the video at times.

Task 1: Create a presentation that informs a reader of which countries were in each group. This could be a poster, a PowerPoint presentation, an i-movie or something more 3D like a lift the flap map/poster or an interactive book. You must use the vocab: axis and allied. As an additional challenge, include the following vocab: empire, colony, military, political. Use the History - WORLD MAP if it is helpful and History – COUNTRIES AT WAR for scaffold.

Task 2: Return to your mind-map of how WW2 changed the life of men, women and children. Add any new thoughts to it. Use History – Mind Map for scaffold if you need to.


Physical Activity - Gymnastic Skills – From Mrs Conroy

Hopefully it is sunny today and you can get into the garden.

Task 1) Warm up (10 minutes)- jogging on the spot, bum flicks, skaters, burpees, skips, mud climbers, hopping on each leg tracing a square shape, hold the plank for 30 - 60 seconds.

Task 2) Your challenge today is to choreograph a gymnastics routine and include at least one of the following:

1) A jump (tuck, star, half or full turn, cat leap)

2) A roll (cartwheel, forwards, backwards, egg, pencil)

3) Travelling to link each movement.

4) A balance - try to reduce the amount of points on the floor - hold for 10 seconds.

4) Remember to include a clear start and finish.


If you can play some music and respond to the music with jumps, balances, rolls and turns that would be great!

You can showcase your routine to your family later!

Remember to cool down and stretch at the end of your workout!

Well done!





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