Wider Curriculum Overviews
At Dobcroft Junior School, our staff have created a curriculum to that captures both knowledge and skills, stimulating our children to ask questions, develop their learning and become independent thinkers. The curriculum is designed to be engaging, exciting and ensure progression through the school and allows the children to revisit and recall skills and knowledge throughout their time in the school. Subjects are taught discreetly, but, where possible, we create links between the subjects to enhance the children’s learning.
You can find a 'Whole School Curriculum Map' which gives a snapshot of all of the subjects taught through our school. It provides an overview of each year group for each half term and is reviewed annually.
Additionally, every subject has a 'Subject Overview'. This has been developed from the National Curriculum, and contains our intent for the subject at Dobcroft Junior School. Our Subject Overviews outline the progression of skills, knowledge, concepts and vocabulary which will be taught as children move through the school.
Complimenting these Subject Overviews are ‘Key Learning Points’ grids. These are written in a pupil friendly manner in order to share the skills, knowledge, concepts & vocabulary to be taught for each unit of work taught. They will be available on the school website and also will be stuck in pupils’ books at the beginning of a new unit of work and referred to throughout the learning. They are also used to aid recall when reviewing learning such as to recall current topic learning; learning earlier in the year and learning earlier in the key stage.
If you wish to find out more details about our curriculum, please contact school via enquiries@dobcroft-jun.sheffield.sch.uk