Safeguarding and keeping children and adults safe is a fundamental priority in our school. Available on our website is the school’s safeguarding policy which is reviewed annually as well as other relevant policies such as health & safety, SEND, behaviour & anti bullying.
Safeguarding & Inclusion Team
We work closely as a team meeting half termly as well communicating on a daily basis. We report to our governing board termly and the DSL meets termly with the safeguarding governor.
Designated Safeguarding Lead- Mrs Nicola Sexton
Designated Safeguarding Lead- Mrs Sheree Doyle
Designated Safeguarding Deputy and Pastoral and Family Support Leader- Mrs Louise Fear
Safeguarding governor- Mr Andrew Davies
Health & Safety and Wellbeing governor- Ms Jade Rose
SENCo- Mrs Hayley Little
Designated teacher for children looked after- Mrs Nicola Sexton
CSE Lead (child sexual exploitation)- Mrs Nicola Sexton
Please see our School Policies page for both our Safeguarding and Online Safeguarding Policy: