Sex and Relationships Education
Sex and Relationship Education at Dobcroft Junior School
Dobcroft Junior School follows the Sheffield RSHE Scheme which has been created by Learn Sheffield in consultation with a number of different faith groups and the NHS. Sexual and Relationship Education is taught through our Personal Development lessons and supports our school values. The scheme follows 6 strands which build in complexity as the children move through each year group. They cover:
Family (Fa) Friends (Fr) Community (C) Mental Wellbeing (M) Physical Health (P) and Growing Up (G and SX).
As students reach upper KS2 they will be provided with an understanding of puberty, which includes physical and emotional changes (Growing Up Strand).
Year 5 Teachers will share key questions with pupils and carers before lessons begin to help alleviate uncertainty / prepare children and carers. Pupils will be taught by their key staff to ensure they feel as psychologically safe as possible. This coverage is compulsory.
This strand aims to answer the following key questions:
G1 - How will my body change as I get older?
G2 -How will my feelings change as I get older?
G3 -How will I stay clean during puberty?
G4 -What is Menstruation?
SX1 – How do plants and animals reproduce? This is compulsory and is taught through science lessons. It covers plant and animal reproduction, such as the life cycle of a frog.
In the summer of year 6 students have the option to extend their knowledge of sexual reproduction. This aims to answer the following key question.
SX2 – How are human babies made?
These sessions are non-compulsory and parents are welcome to contact school with any questions. A letter will be sent to all year 6 carers before these optional sessions are taught.
For more details on specific coverage (including key vocabulary) please see our Personal Development Overview or contact Jenny Winters (Personal Development Lead) via the School Office with any queries (including questions regarding meeting the needs of children with specific needs – who may require additional support / adjustments to access this learning).