Y6 Maths Week beginning 11.1.21
Date: 7th Jan 2021 @ 11:52am
Date: 11.1.21
Y6 Maths
The activity sheets for each day are split into three sections, diving, deeper and deepest, which are represented by the submarine icons. The first image to appear on the sheet is diving, the second is deeper and the last is deepest.
These sheets might not necessarily be used in a linear way. Some children might begin at the ‘Deeper’ section and in fact, others may ‘dive straight in’ to the ‘Deepest’ section if they have already mastered the skill and are applying this to show their depth of understanding. I would suggest looking through each sheet with your child and agreeing on which one to start on depending on their understanding and confidence.
Monday 11.01.21
LO: To use standard units of measurements.
Work your way through the attached power point to support your learning in the follow up task.
See attached worksheet and answers.
Tuesday 12.01.21
LO: Solve problems involving the calculation and conversion of units of measure
Work your way through the attached power point to support your learning in the follow up task.
See attached worksheet and answers.
Wednesday 13.01.21
LO: To convert between miles and kilometres.
Work your way through the attached power point to support your learning in the follow up task.
See attached worksheet and answers.
Thursday 14.01.21
LO: To convert between metric and imperial measurements
Work your way through the attached power point to support your learning in the follow up task.
See attached assessment and answers.
Friday 08.01.21
Arithmetic Paper