Year 5 English Week Beginning 1st June
Date: 28th May 2020 @ 9:55am
Welcome back Year 5,
We hope you've had a lovely break and are well rested. Below is an outline of the week. On Monday and Tuesday you will study a superhereos poem and then Wednesday - Friday you will look at persuasion.
Please open each day for further details of the tasks and resources.
Aim: Reading a poem, practising relative clauses.
You will start the week off by reading 'The Superheroes I could have been' poem (it is a funny poem and the Y5 teacher’s at Dobcroft love it!). Once you have read the poem, you will revise relative clauses. There is a PowerPoint attached with audio, this will help you to be independent in your learning. There is also a video which will help you learn more about relative clauses if you are struggling.
Video link: (scroll down to find the video)
Aim: Performing a poem, writing with relative clauses.
Today you will design your own super hero. You will use the knowledge you have of relative clauses to include these in the description of your super hero. Don’t forget to use the PowerPoint and revision cards if you get stuck. Enjoy!
Aim: Reading persuasive texts, revising the features of persuasive texts.
Today you will look at a variety of persuasive texts. Which one is your favourite? You will select 2 of your favourites and analyse them. Use the prompt sheets to help you answer.
Thursday and Friday
Aim: Watching and analysing adverts. Sorting fact and opinion. Writing own advert script.
The work set out today can be spread out between today and tomorrow. You will start by analysing the fact and opinions in a Waitrose advert. After, you can choose an advert and pick sentences from it to decide if it is fact or opinion. Once you are the expert on facts and opinions, have a go at writing your own script for an advert.
If you need a reminder of the difference between fact and opinion watch this video:
We have also attached the spelling lists for this half term.
We hope you enjoy this week’s English lessons.