Year 5 English Home Learning Week beginning 8th June
Date: 4th Jun 2020 @ 3:13pm
WB: 8TH June Overview
Hi year 5,
Thank you for all working so hard on your English home learning. You are all trying your best in these strange and difficult times. We have been really impressed with the work that you have been sending in to us.
Further details of activities and resources are attached for each day.
Parents - You may find it easier to print all the pages (so you have it all together), but if you want to save on printing, each day references the pages which require printing.
Aim: Reading a very famous speech and discussing it. Identifying features.
Have you ever listened to or heard the speech ‘I have a dream?’ Today’s English work is all about famous speeches which you may or may not have heard. Which will you pick? Reading the speeches will help you prepare for tomorrow’s tasks.
Pages to print: 2,3,4 and 5
Aim: Reading another famous speech by Malala. Identifying features.
Have you ever heard of Malala Yousafzai? She made a very famous speech in 2013. You will find out all about this speech in today’s work. There is lots to reflect on in yesterdays and today’s English learning.
Pages to print: Page 6 and 7
Aim: Reading lyrics from a protest song. Identifying features. Writing a new version of ‘Streets of London’.
Have a listen to the protest song. How is the song persuasive? What features of persuasion can you spot? Can you change some of the lyrics and make up your own verse?
Pages to print: Pages 5 and 6
Aim: Revise use of commas to separate clauses; practise adding these to sentences.
Today you will be reading about a different protest. This time it’s about school uniform changes in a school.
You will then revise where to include commas in your writing. There is a PowerPoint (attached) and a few video links below which revise the different uses of commas.
Pages to print: Pages 3,5, 6 and 8
Aim: Revise use of commas in lists and create own school uniform, describing its different parts using commas correctly
Today you get the opportunity to design your own school uniform. How will you design it? What are the reasons for your design?
Pages to print: Pages 4,5,6 and 7
Don’t forget to keep practising your spellings too.