Year 4 - Home learning 20th April
Date: 18th Apr 2020 @ 6:53pm
Hi Year 4!! It`s Miss Fee here! I`m really missing you all and can`t wait to see you all back in school soon.
Today`s blog has a lot of things to keep you busy! There is Maths, English, PE and Science. Don`t forget that you can always log on to TTRS, MyMaths and Bugclub too!
Maths - LO – To read and plot coordinates.
As you are now becoming coordinate experts, I want to see if you can read and plot coordinates in order to complete an image! Each picture is made up of lines, but you need to plot your coordinates in order to be able to draw the line. Once you have plotted all your coordinates correctly and joined up your lines you should end up with an image. Make sure once you have finished plotting all your coordinates for one line, you draw the line, otherwise you may get muddled!
For example:
Line 1: (4,6), (9,7), (13,8)
Line 2: (8,4), (6,8)
Depending on how confident you are and how you got on with the other co-ordinate tasks, choose a worksheet and see how you get on J
One star = If you are not feeling too confident
Two star – If you are feeling quite confident
Three star – If you are feeling very confident
Extra task – I have also included a co-ordinates game for you to play with someone at home. See who can collect the most points!
If you do not have a printer but are able to access the internet you can have a go at this task -
This is a really fun game to play and there are numerous levels of difficulty so you can really challenge yourself if you feel up to it!
English - L.O – To identify and use fronted adverbials.
Activity – Today I would like you to work your way through this fronted adverbial worksheet. It has a number of tasks on it, from placing a comma after the fronted adverbial to spotting fronted adverbials within a passage. If you are not feeling too confident, I would recommend you start on the sheet with one star, if you are feeling super confident, go for the sheet with three stars, and if you are somewhere in between then go for the sheet with two stars. The answers are also provided so you can check your work after! You can either print the sheet out or re-write the sentences/passages and underline on a piece of paper!
I have attached a fronted adverbial mat that you could use to help you if you need it :)
Wider Curriculum - P.E – To develop physical strength, speed, and stamina to enhance performance.
Don`t worry if you aren`t able to print this off :) just get a scrap piece of paper from home and create your own!
LO: To investigate the journey that food makes through our bodies.
As Miss Jagger mentioned in the last blog, today I would like you to do an experiment and you will need a few things:
Orange juice – To represent the acid in your stomach
Water – To represent saliva
Cream crackers & banana – To represent food
Metal tray – To represent the body
A sealed plastic bag – To represent the stomach
½ a pair of tights – To represent the small intestine
You will also need – Plastic cups, a paper cup with a hole in the bottom and some scissors.
This experiment will allow you to see exactly how food is digested inside the body.
WARNING: It may get a little messy!! (sorry Mum`s and Dad`s!)
Instructions: You can also watch on
- Put the crackers and the banana into the bag – this is the stomach and we are demonstrating the swallowing process.
- Then, add the orange juice, which is the acid in our stomach.
- Now, add the water. This is the saliva.
- Once you have done that, you are going to gently press the bag squashing everything together. This is exactly what happens in our stomach! This will take a couple of minutes.
- Next, you will transfer the food into your small intestine (tights). You may want to cut the bottom of your plastic cup and use it as a funnel. Snip a corner of your plastic bag and pour the food into the intestine.
- As you move the food through the small intestine, all the nutrients that we need for growth and energy will fall into the tray, which represents the body. The things the body can`t digest will be left in the tights.
- When the waste has solidified, transfer it into the paper cup. This represents the large intestine. Use another plastic cup to push the waste through the hole. This mimics the act of going to the toilet and our body getting rid of waste!