Year 3 Maths Week beginning 15th June
Date: 8th Jun 2020 @ 10:36pm
Hello everyone!
It's Mrs Scammell here. I hope you are all well!
This week's maths focus if addition. We shall start with some games to practise our number bonds before moving on to pracising column addition, word problems, adding money and finally a mental artithmetic test. Well done for all your hard work so far, we're very proud of you. I hope you enjoy the work and find it good to recap addition.
Monday - Mental Maths Monday
All of the games and exercises you can do today should be done in your head to practise your mental arithmetic. How quickly can you add up? What strategies do you use? Counting on? Number bonds? Choose some activities from below to practise. Finish by racing to the moon!
Number bonds
Can you remember your number bonds to 20? This game will test your ability to make your number bonds to 20 and fix a water slide at the same time. Once you have completed the number bonds to 20 test your ability to make number bonds to 100.
Click on the link to access the game. You may need to enable Flash on your laptop.
First to 100. In this game you will need 2 dice, a pen and paper and a partner (you can play with more people!). Take it in turns to roll the 2 dice, add the total of the two dice to your previous score and keep a running total throughout the game. The first to 100 wins. How quickly can you add the numbers?
Race to the Moon Addition to 50 You will need some counters or a colour pen or pencil for this one. Play by yourself or with a partner aim to make a line of correct answers across from the Earth to the Moon. Two versions available below to 20 and to 50.
Today we will recap column addition. The most important thing to remember is to keep the digits in the correct columns. Remember your H T O grid and you'll be fine!
Watch the powerpoint, complete the practice questions as you go along and then complete one of the sheets below. The 2-digit sheet with no regrouping is the easiest whilst the 3-digit sheet with regrouping is the most challenging. Parents and carers, the answers are included! For further practice, especially at setting these questions out properly, there is another set of sheets to choose from 3-digit with mixed regrouping is the most challenging.
I have included a squared paper PDF to write the questions out neatly. A lined piece of paper turned on its side will also do the trick.
Money, money, money.
If you have any money lying around the house today would be a really good day to dig it out and let the children use it with their maths. It's great to get a feel for real coins. Try to include pound coins and remind the children that 100p = £1.
Please note the National Curriculum for Year 3 states that pupils continue to record £ and p separately (for example as £3 and 76 pence). The decimal recording of money is introduced formally in year 4.
Recap Watch this video to remind you what each coin is worth.
Warm- up Place some different coins in a small bag or dish and ask your child to take out a small handful. Talk about the different coins they have picked out. What do they total? When counting, encourage them to count in multiples of coins e.g. 3 x 5p = 5, 10, 15 p rather than 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 etc. Put the coins back and repeat. Is their new amount more or less? Children can do this by themselves.
For those unable to access real money there is a sheet to practise this.
Powerpoint Watch the powerpoint as a slide show and complete the challenges as you watch.
Complete the worksheet for final consolidation.
Think about it Thursday. Word problems. In school we encourage children to use the problem solving ladder steps to solve word problems. The steps are: read it, filter it (highlight the important numbers and words), prep it (write out the calculation if needed), solve it and show it and prove it (check that it is correct, check the inverse calculation). There are 2 sheets, one with 2-digit addition problems and a more challenging one with 3-digit problems.
Friday Please complete the mental aritmetic paper for further practice. Answers can be recorded on paper to save on printing.
Best wishes,
Mrs Scammell :)