Y6 Wednesday 6th May
Date: 5th May 2020 @ 12:03pm
Spellings – from Mr Harrison
10 challenge words to recap this week. Practise how to spell them, but then, can you write a short story that includes each word? If your parent has a login, you could share the story on here, or email your class teacher at teachers@dobcroft-jun.sheffield.sch.uk
Maths – from Mr Harrison
L/O To solve ratio problems using multiplication and division
Look at the warm up file and practise the language of ratio using the problems – say them out loud.
Today we are solving ratio problems – they will need multiplication and division to help you solve them.
Open the Maths teaching file to learn about how bar models can help you and some questions for today. They are at the bottom of the blog post.
If you fancy more maths – here is a shape investigation with many, many possibilities to help you recap properties of shape: https://nrich.maths.org/141
English (this task is for Wednesday and Thursday) - from Miss Harper
Writing activity
L.O: To use the features of a newspaper report
1) Watch the video: https://www.literacyshed.com/the-lighthouse.html
or use this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HfBbSUORvo
2) Your task is to write about the event as if you were a newspaper editor. Take your time: you have two days to work on this. (2 hours worth of work). The Lighthouse video has no dialogue/speech in it, so it is up to you to interpret and write about what has happened.
3) You have written a newspaper report before; however, to familiarise yourself, read through the file named: Newspaper WAGOLL. This will remind you about the way a newspaper page looks and what you need to include.
4) Use the success criteria named: Newspaper success criteria to guide you through your writing.
5) Use the WAGOLL words file to help begin your sentences.
6) I have attached a filed called Newspaper template if you would like to use that to write on, so it feels like a real newspaper page. I have also labelled where the different features need to go to remind you.
7) If you are really struggling with this and need some extra help, go through the PowerPoint named: Newspaper report PowerPoint. This will jog your memory to help you write a newspaper report.
Keep this work in the ‘writing’ section of your folder.
Wider Curriculum – History 3 – from Miss Taylor
L.O: To study a range of sources of evidence to fully answer questions about the past
In this blog we will look at a range of primary sources of evidence (evidence created at the time of the event or by people who were there) to establish what it was really like to be evacuated during the war.
Background info: As war broke out in 1939, the British government expected the German air force to bomb cities and their factories, and so they began to evacuate around 3 million school children from the cities at risk. Children were sent to live with foster families in the safety of the country until the war was over. Many children returned home when the threat of bombing seemed less but this did mean that some children were evacuated many times through the duration of the war.
The children from the city experienced a totally new way of life in the country. For the people in the country, too, having so many outsiders coming into their area was a major event.
Task 1: Read/watch the different accounts of evacuation below – making a note of any positive and any negative experiences each person had. It is important to hear a few different accounts of evacuation as everybody experienced something different. Some loved it, some hated it. Some found it easy, some found it extremely challenging (just like people’s experiences of Lockdown). By looking at a few different accounts, you’ll have a deeper understanding of what it really meant to be evacuated. Complete the document History - What was it like to be evacuated during the war?
Main Task: you need to watch Mrs Campbell’s video clip, listen to the radio footage and read Derek Clifton’s interview.
Scaffold: watch the video clip and listen to the radio footage
Deepening Task: As main task and also read Sheelagh’s Story.
Mrs Campbell - https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/history-ks2-an-evacuees-adventure/zk7hy9q
Radio footage - https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/history-ks2-world-war-2-clips-interviews-with-evacuated-children/zdcjkmn
History - Derek Clifton Interview
History – Sheelagh’s Story (Warning: This one is quite sad in places)
Task 2: Return to your mind-map of how WW2 changed the life of men, women and children. Add any new thoughts to it.
Physical Activity - From Mrs Conroy
Running Challenge
Daily mile – or more if you want to push yourselves!
As you know I absolutely love running – it keeps me fit, gets me out in the fresh air and helps me to deal with any worries I have. After a run I feel energised and ready for the day. I know lots of you enjoy running and even if you don’t you could try the next challenge by speed walking, jogging or even scooting.
The Mile Challenge: Can you measure out (approximately) a mile in your garden? 1 mile is approximately equal to 1,500m. Try running, jogging or speed walking the route. How long did it take you?
Deepening Challenge: If it is safe to do so you could try running for around 10 minutes from your house and see how far you could run and then run back. You could challenge yourself each day to find out if you can run further in 10 minutes. Please ensure you check with your parents – they may want to join you.