Y6 Remote Education English 21.06.21
Date: 18th Jun 2021 @ 8:30am
Monday 21.06.21
LO: To develop precise formal vocabulary
Fill in the table:
Write an informal word, then three different examples of formal synonyms you could use. Highlight the one that you will use in your writing.
Think back to the ideas you collected for why it would be a great idea for Frederick to move to Shady Oaks Retirement Home.
Were there any words you felt were informal and could be improved?
Spend some time using theasurus.com to find three synonyms for the word - colour the box of the one that you consider the best and would like to use in a sentence. See task sheet.
Tuesday 22.06.21
LO: To use the subjunctive form.
Read through the PowerPoint about the subjunctive mood.
Complete the task sheet and check your work with the answers.
Wednesday 23.06.21
LO: To use the passive voice.
Read through and follow the PowerPoint and answer the quiz questions at the end.
Thursday 24.06.21
LO: To plan a formal letter of persuasion
Use the colourful plan, which structures our planning, to plan your formal letter of persuasion to Mr Fredericksson from the City Council.
Read through the Formal letter writing PowerPoint to remind yourself about what you need.
Friday 25.06.21
LO: To write a formal letter of persuasion
Use your plan to write your formal letter of persuasion to Mr Fredericksson from the City Council.
Use the success criteria to make sure you are including everything that you should.