Y6 Maths Week Beginning 22nd June
Date: 18th Jun 2020 @ 8:14pm
Hi Year 6, Miss Farrah here again. You will be carrying on with the unit on statistics this week.
All resources are attached to the blog post. It may help you to have the knowledge organiser from last week to hand. Parents - we have included answers too.
Monday 15th June
- We are going to kick start the week with a mental arithmetic test. There are 2 versions of the mental test, a full booklet and a paper saving version. It is always a good idea to show some of your method, so if you use the paper saving version, jot your calculations on a piece of paper.
- Once you have completed the mental maths activity, ask your adult to check the answers for you. Try to go back and see where you went wrong; could you get it right if you tried it again?
Tuesday 16th June
L.O: use line graphs to solve problems.
- Open the Starter PowerPoint and do slide 1.
- Now work through the lesson PowerPoint, pausing to try to answer the questions.
- When prompted, complete activity 1. You can choose whether you want to try Diving (*), Deeper (**) or Deepest (***). You could do all three if you wanted!
- When you have finished, ask an adult to check your work with the answer sheet.
- If you would like to do more, try the extra challenge sheet. The answers are provided.
Wednesday 17th June
L.O: to read and interpret pie charts.
- Open the Starter PowerPoint and do the questions on slide 2.
- Now work through the Lesson PowerPoint, trying to answer the questions as you go.
- When you are prompted, complete activity 1. Choose which sheet you want to do – Diving (*), Deeper (**) or Deepest (***).
- Remember to always check the total number represented on the pie chart before you try to work out how much each section represents.
- When you have finished your sheet, ask an adult to check it for you.
- If you would like another challenge, try the Extra Challenge activity.
Thursday 11th June
L.O: to link percentages with pie charts.
- Open the Starter PowerPoint and do the questions on slide 3.
- When you have finished the starter, open up the Lesson PowerPoint and begin to work through the slides.
- Try to answer all the questions as they are revealed on the slide and when prompted, have a go at Activity 1. You can choose which sheet to do, depending on how confident you feel. Diving (*), Deeper (**) or Deepest (***).
- When you have finished Activity 1, ask an adult to check it for you.
- If you would like another challenge, have a go at the extra challenge sheet.
Friday 12th June
L.O: to use knowledge of angles to draw a pie chart.
- Open the Starter PowerPoint and do the questions on slide 4.
- When you have completed the starter, open the lesson PowerPoint. This PowerPoint will lead you through the steps you need to take to create a pie chart. You will need a copy of the activity 1 - Practice Pie Chart to work on alongside the PowerPoint. For this first exercise, you will be using the pie chart that is already measured out.
- Follow the steps until you get to the independent work.
- When prompted, you can start on activity 2. You may choose which sheet you work on, however, if you do not have a protractor, you should use the * sheet or another copy of the practice sheet.
- When you have finished activity 2, ask an adult to check it for you.
- Now have a go at activity 3 converting data to percentages and creating a pie chart with the results.
Files to Download
Y6 Maths Overview Week Beginning 22nd June Mantal Arithmetic Paper test 4 Paper saving Mental Arthmetic Test 4 Answers for Mental Arithmetic Tuesday Lesson PowerPoint Starter PowerPoint Tuesday Activity 1 Tuesday Activity 1 Answers Tuesday Extra Challenge Tuesday Extra Challenge Answers Wednesday Lesson PowerPoint Wednesday Activity 1 Wednesday Activity 1 Answers Wednesday Extra Challenge Wednesday Extra Challenge with Answers Thursday Lesson PowerPoint Thursday Activity 1 Thursday Activity 1 Answers Thursday Extra Challenge Thursday Extra Challenge Answers Friday Lesson Powerpoint Friday Activity 1 Friday Activity 2 Friday Activity 3