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Y6 Homelearning 20/04/20

Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 11:21am

Good morning everyone!


L/O To find the volume of a cube or a cuboid

Area is the space inside a 2D shape.

Volume is the measure of the space inside a 3D space.

Use PAGE 1 of this website to recap about the volume of shapes made up of cubes.

Use PAGE 2 of the website to recap how to find volume of a cuboid using a formula.


Use the Success Criteria to remind you of how to find the volume of a cuboid using a formula.


There are two maths files for you to attempt.

The first is a PDF, which you can print out and fill in the answers. If you don’t have a printer, leave the questions on the screen and just work out your answers on a piece of paper.

For the challenge questions, print out and work out the answers. If you don’t have a printer, leave the questions on the screen and just work out your answers on a piece of paper.

You should be able to do half an hour of work on these questions after you have spent time looking at the website. 


Writing activity

L.O: To use the features of an adventure story

Coraline and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland both include some sort of adventure. You read a bit of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland for your reading home learning last week. If you haven’t done that home learning yet, I suggest you do that first before this task.
This is your chance to free write. Use the success criteria called: ‘Adventure story success criteria’ to help you write a chapter for an adventure story. Plan it out using the bubble planner or create your own plan. 

Firstly, put the plan in front of you.
Secondly, choose your adventure. Think about Coraline Alice’s adventures. Where do you want your character/characters to go. What will they see/find?
Thirdly, think about who your main character/characters are going to be.
Use the success criteria to guide your story. 

You don’t have to write your chapter all at once. You can always take a break and come back to it when you have more fantastic ideas. Try to spend at least 45 minutes on planning and writing.
Keep your work in the ‘writing’ section of your folder.

SPaG Activity

L.O : To propose changes to vocabulary, grammar and punctuation 
L.O: To proof read for spelling and punctuation errors

Well done for writing your chapter! Now, it’s time to edit. This can sometimes be the hardest part but here are my top tips. Firstly, get a different colour pen so you can see your edits.

Top tips-

1)      Read your chapter back

2)      Tick off the parts of your success criteria that you have used (it should be everything if you’ve used it well during your writing sessions).

3)      Circle any words you think you may have spelt incorrectly and use a dictionary to check them.

4)      Read your chapter again sentence by sentence. Are there any breaks that need commas or sentences that are too long that need full stops?

5)      Read it again sentence by sentence. Can you use any higher-level punctuation? - : ; () 

6)      Read it again sentence by sentence. Are there any words that do not sound quite right? Circle them and change them using a thesaurus so that your adventure story sounds more exciting/interesting (if you do not have one at home, is great)

Wider Curriculum - Science

L.O: To explore how forces can affect the speed of an object

BBC Teach have created this excellent Live Lesson all about forces and how they act upon objects. It’s a 30 minute lesson. To make the most of it, please print out the worksheets if you can (if you can’t then have a look at them before hand and maybe draw yourself a copy, they are only small, or have them electronically to look at).


Print or look at:

Task Option A: If you have the right equipment in your house then you could make yourself a car and try the balloon car investigation for yourself using this link

Task Option B: Or you could try creating a Sports’ Day outfit (either for yourself or a toy car) that increases the effects of air resistance and slows you down. Don’t forget to test you outfit!

Post any photos of these investigations up as comments to the blog – we’d love to see them!


Focus: Christianity

The focus for this half term is Christianity. There will be a piece of work set for each week on a Monday to complete each week.

Is Christianity still a strong religion 2000 years after Jesus was on Earth

Lesson 1

LO: To identify influential people

Task 1

Use a dictionary or the internet to find a definition for the word influential.

Task 2

Who has been influential in your lives?

Members of your family, teachers, music, sport, clubs, friends….

Name one person who has been influential in your life.

This is a quote from Miss Taylor, “I find the people at Barnsely Youth Choir very influential. They are excellent conductors and make children singing sound amazing and very professional. I'd like to be able to conduct like them.”

Questions to think about:

  • Can people still influence you when they are no longer part of your life?
  • Do influential people always have a positive influence?

Look at this website:

Task 3

Create a mini biography of an influential person from the past who still is having an impact on our lives today. Here are some examples:

  • Albert Einstein
  • Isaac Newton
  • Leonardo Da Vinci
  • Alexander the Great
  • Bill Gates
  • Stephen Hawking

Success Criteria

  • Name
  • What they are famous / influential for
  • Additional information about what influence they have have

Physical Activity

Look at the resource You Guess Me - Stay in and work out

Have a go at the activities with a parent / carer or sibling.

If you are working on your own choose 10 activities and set yourself a timer for 2 minutes and complete each one - have a 30 second rest between each activity. That will contribute to 20 minutes of your 60 minutes of vigorous activity target - well done!

Files to Download