Y5 Wider Curriculum Week Beginning 29th June
Date: 26th Jun 2020 @ 1:20pm
Year 5 Wider Curriculum – Week Commencing 15th June
Focus: Geography
This week we will be looking at maps and developing our map reading skills.
LO: To recap map symbols
Here is a piece of map from an Ordinance Survey map. (see attachment) You may recognise where it is.
What symbols can you see? Do you know what any mean?
Go onto this website: https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/mapzone/map-skills/map-symbols/page-one – and take a look at the video and information about the Ordnance Survey maps including what some symbols mean.
Extra Challenge – take the quiz about map symbols to see how much you know! https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/mapzone/map-quizzes/map-symbols
L.O: To understand that contours on maps represent different heights
Have a look at the powerpoint for today’s teaching.
L.O: To understand how mountains were formed
As an introduction to your mountain topic watch this short clip https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z27tfg8
There is a powerpoint to follow that gives you lots of information about different of types of mountain formation. There is also an activity that shows you how to make the different types. You many not have all the equipment they suggest – don’t worry! Be creative and do what you can. Today is a learning day, there is no written task.
L.O: To understand the features of mountains
What do you think a mountain looks like? Find out about the features of a mountain using the powerpoint and video clips.
Activity – label the mountain range diagram of the features
Challenge – create definitions for today’s key vocabulary
Reading comprehension
I found you a fabulous non-fiction reading comp set in the Himalayas. Usual rules apply for which sheet to do. *** is definitely a Greater Depth challenge. Lots of you should be doing the ** and some may want to try the *.
For further challenge, use the internet to find out more about Dashrath Manjhi and his story.