Y5 Wider Curriculum Week Beginning 22nd June
Date: 19th Jun 2020 @ 10:24am
Hello everyone - Miss Wilson has planned this one for you. I hope you find it interesting.
Y5 Wider Curriculum Home Learning
Week Beginning Monday 22nd June
This week we are going to be focusing on RE and how Christians show their commitment to God.
LO: To explore the Ten Commandments
Christians (people who follow Christianity) are committed to God in different ways. Can you think of any different ways?
One of the ways Christians show their commitment is through following the Ten Commandments. When Moses, led the Hebrews out of Egypt to the Promised Land, God gave him the Ten Commandments. These were the commandments that God wanted the Hebrews to live their lives by every day. Here they are:
- You shall have no other Gods but me.
- You shall not make for yourself any idol, nor bow down to it or worship it.
- You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
- You shall remember and keep the Sabbath day holy.
- Respect your father and mother.
- You must not commit murder.
- You must not commit adultery.
- You must not steal.
- You must not give false evidence against your neighbour.
- You must not be envious of your neighbour's goods. You shall not be envious of his house nor his wife, nor anything that belongs to your neighbour.
If there are any that you aren’t quite sure what they mean then check with an adult at home or with your teacher in school. Do any of these commandments show more commitment to God than others? Why does it show this? Are any of them easier to follow than others? Your views may be different to others so why might that be?
Task 1
Create a spider diagram to consider the following:
- How should you treat other people?
- How should you behave towards other people?
- What should you be grateful for in life?
- What should you always try to do every day?
- What rules should people follow so that the world is a better place?
There is a scaffold attached for those who need support, along with a word bank to help support you.
Task 2
Create your own ‘Ten Commandments’ thinking about how people should treat each other and how people should live their lives every day and make the world a better place for everybody. Use your spider diagram from Task 1 to support you in this.
Support – Use the attached Twinkl sheet to support you.
Challenge – Explain which of your commandments you believe is the most important and why. Explain which of the commandments can be followed specifically in school, on the playground and give an example of how this can be done.
LO: To explore the Fruits of the Spirit and what these mean for Christian Commitment
Christians believe that the more they accept God into them, the more that He helps them to grow as a person. This links to the fruits of the Spirit which is our focus for today. Read the Powerpoint named ‘Tuesday – The Fruits of the Spirit’. The outlines the ‘fruits’ that Christians believe are gifted to them by the spirit and explains them. These are things that you will definitely have come across, even if you are of a different faith. Try to think about and answer the questions on each fruit. For example, you may have tried to encourage peace when you friends were having a disagreement.
Do you think that only Christians should display these qualities? How easy is it to show them all of the time? When might it be harder or easier?
Your task today is to create a poster which shows the ‘Fruits of the Spirit’.
Here are some ideas for displaying your poster but you would need to add more information to meet the Success Criteria!
Success Criteria:
- Name all of the fruits and explain what they are
- Give an example of how we could show that fruit in our lives
- Use a full page
- Make it colourful and clear
Support – You must include all of the fruits on your poster but give only 3 examples of how we could show that fruit in our lives.
Challenge – Look at the scenarios on the document ‘Tuesday – Challenge’. Which of the fruits would the person be demonstrating within these scenarios? Explain why you think they are demonstrating this.
LO: To reflect upon a range of ways that Christians show commitment to God
The Christian place of worship is a church. Do you think that a Christian needs to attend church or pray to show a commitment to God?
Task 1 –
How many different ways can you think that Christians show commitment to God? How many from the list below did you get:
- Pray
- Collect for Charity
- Read the Holy Bible
- Follow the 10 commandments
- Do good deeds
- Go to church
- Celebrate Easter and Christmas
- Follow the fruits of the spirit
- Give up their time to help people
- Be kind to people they like and don’t like
- Help the needy
Task 2
Read The Lord’s Prayer. What themes can you see? Does it state that Christians must worship in a church?
Christians can show commitment in other ways too like taking Communion. Watch this video to learn a bit more: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zwcd2hv.
Task 3
Choose nine ways that Christians show commitment to God and place them in the diamond nine sheet. At the top should be the way that you feel shows the most commitment and at the bottom, the way that shows the least.
Challenge – Justify your highest and lowest reasons
L.O: To explain your understanding
Imagine that you are Reverend at your local church and you receive this letter from Christy:
Dear Rev
I am a 10 year old Christian living in Sheffield. I have been going to church with my mum every Sunday since I was a baby. Lately I have started to find it a bit boring. I don’t want to stop going as it would upset my mum. Is there another way I can show commitment to God?
Thanks you…
Write a letter back to Christy explaining the ways in which some Christians show their commitment to God.
Support – After starting your letter (Dear Christy) you could list your 5 most effective ways that Christians show commitment to God.
Challenge – take Christy’s viewpoint into consideration
–I understand how you’re feeling, however…
- You must be feeling x can I suggest…
This is a free session – you could use it complete any work from the last few weeks that you have not had time to finish. Did you meet all of Miss Wilson’s STEM challenges last week?