Y5 Maths Week beginning 29th June
Date: 26th Jun 2020 @ 1:25pm
L.O: To calculate volume
Volume is different to capacity – capacity is how much liquid something can hold (it’s maximum value). Volume is the amount of space something takes up. Today we are calculating the volume of cuboids with the formula height x length x width Have a look at the Powerpoint to find out more.
L.O: To calculate volume of irregular shapes
Our shapes today aren’t cuboids. The children need to be able to visualise the shape in front of them and think logically through how it is built. This can be hard for some children but it gets easier with practise.
NB If you need more practise working out the volume of cuboids try the fluency powerpoint first.
L.O: To compare volume (shorter lesson)
Today we consolidate the skills from the past 2 days and compare volumes. Can the children do this without any input?
Challenge -
L.O: To estimate volume
Warm your brains up first using the flash back slide at the start of the powerpoint. Then – as we know, not all objects are cuboids and therefore it can be tricky to work out the volume. In Year 5 we use cubes to build the approximate shape to work out an estimated volume. Have a look.
Mental Arithmetic Test
I bet you’re getting good at these! Remember Miss Field’s advice – show your working out!