Y5 English Week beginning 05.10.20
Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 9:26am
Lesson 1
LO: To use dialogue to show characterisation
Using the ‘Feelings…’ PDF, decide which feeling matches up with each of the three characters: The Highwayman, Bess and Tim the Ostler – see ‘Characters’ PDF.
In each speech bubble, write down what you think each character would say based on the way they feel.
Lesson 2
LO: To use and punctuate direct speech.
See 'Punctuating Speech' power point
Complete the ‘Use and punctuate direct speech’ PDF.
Lesson 3
LO: To use and punctuate direct speech.
From your speech bubble work on Monday, put the characters’ speech into correctly punctuated sentences. Can you add any more ideas for what they might say?
Lesson 4
LO: To use the features of classic fiction to plan.
Use the planning grid to plan a chapter of the highwayman as if it were a story, not a poem.
Create themes of romance and jealousy (See WAGOLL for ideas).
See planning grid PDF.
Lesson 5
L.O: To use the features of a classic fiction
Write a chapter of the highwayman as if it were a story not a poem, working from your planning grid.
Create themes of romance and jealousy.