Y5 - Home Learning - Wednesday 20th May
Date: 19th May 2020 @ 4:03pm
Year 5 Home Learning – 20th May
Hi everyone, there's a lot of attachments today - sorry! However, the tasks should hopefully be pretty straight forward for you just with a few things to support.
How are we all? I am excited to have my 'tea party' with my class on our Google Hangout this Thursday but need to think about what to bake for it!
Are you all ready for the weather today? It's meant to be super hot so I imagine we will be outside for a lot of the day at school (with lots of water, suncream and our hats on!). Be sure to take a look at the PE Wider Curriculum - I know you all like a challenge.
Make sure you keep an eye on TT Rockstars - I may set another battle up soon...
I am missing you all and will hopefully see you soon (even if it is virtually!). Keep in touch,
Miss Wilson x
Wednesday – LO: To calculate lengths and angles in shapes
Do you know what parallel and perpendicular lines are?
Parallel lines are lines that are the same distance apart or equidistant. Those two lines will never meet like train tracks.
Perpendicular lines are when two lines make a right angle (900)
Today you’ll be using all your knowledge about shapes and angles to solve questions. For example, if I had a square and I folded it diagonally you would know that the new angle created would be 450 because half of 90 is 45.
Open the file Wednesday-Lengths-and-Angles-in-Shapes.pptx and just like last week work your way through the PowerPoint either telling someone at home the answers or jotting them down before going onto the next page to see if you’re right. Half way through there will be the opportunity to complete some fluency questions and then at the end some problem solving and reasoning type questions.
Thursday – LO: To identify regular and irregular polygons
What are regular and irregular polygons?
Regular polygons
Equilateral triangles and squares are also examples of a regular polygon.
Irregular polygons don’t have sides that are equal in length and their angles are not equal.
A rectangle and an isosceles triangle are irregular polygons. |
Open the document called Thursday-Regular-and-Irregular-Polygons.pptx. Read through the PowerPoint completing tasks as you go.
I’ve attached a SAFE sheet.
LO: To use relative clauses
LO: To plan a short story
Complete the SPaG task (below) and then try and write a couple of sentences about The Piano and its characters using relative clauses. Here is an example of changing a compound sentence (two main clauses) into a complex sentence (using a relative clause). I have attached an 'Uplevelling sentences' powerpoint should you need more guidance on improving simple or compound sentences.
The man played the piano and he smiled to himself.
The man, who was thinking of his wife, played the piano and he smiled to himself.
The man played the piano and he smiled to himself while his memories flowed around him like a river.
Think back to how you could reorder the events in the video, what impact would it have to have the war scene first?
Today we want to focus on precise language and not waffling! Try to retell the story orally but without going over 2 and a half minutes. Try and still use interesting language as though you are writing it!
On Friday, you will be completing a piece of writing which is retelling the story but with a focus on the flashback (a shift to an alternative time). I have attached a WAGOLL of this for you to read which may aid your planning.
Task – Complete a plan of the retelling of the man’s life including a dramatic and powerful flashback to his wartime memories. Remember that this is a short story and so is no longer than a page and a half! You can use the bubble plan and prompts to help you but if you would rather plan and organise your thoughts another way then feel free! You can use the WAGOLL to support you and give ideas.
Support – Use the scaffolded bubble plan to support your planning – answering the questions to put the key information down.
Challenge - Add additional features on the success criteria to their plan including similes, metaphors, show not tell
LO: To use relative clauses
Today’s SPaG activity is to use relative clauses correctly using a relative pronoun (who, where, that, which…). These can be used as an embedded clause (in the middle of a sentence) or at the end of a sentence. Both make a complex sentence.
Support – 1 star
Challenge – 3 star
Wider Curriculum – PE – Physical Challenges
LO: To compete in a competitive event
LO: To complete a daily circuit
It has come to our attention in school that we have missed the start of the Points Network Games that many of you will have been to or would’ve attended this year (and we often win!). They have launched a virtual one where you log your scores daily and it adds them to the leader board – that we are not currently on L
There are 5 short activities that you complete and log your scores on this webpage (all you need to do is select Dobcroft Junior School and what year you are in) then type your results and voila! Easy!
We have completed it in school today and it didn’t take long but we’ve racked up quite a few points (naturally with competitive Miss Wilson pushing them on!).
Try to complete this every day until the 24th May when this closes or at least for the rest of this week!
BONUS – They are also running a Parents and Teachers competition! Why not complete it as a family and log everyone’s results to see if we can make the top 10? Wouldn’t that be great to see!
Here is the webpage to see the activities (speed bounces, throws, star jumps, plank and single leg balance) - https://sites.google.com/view/points-learning-network-sports/home?authuser=0
And here is the link to record your results! - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdpzrhs7z0HGnAhg8fNbdwrnM86pbKXrLdAC5yYdmxqNds_yw/viewform
Good luck! Who’d have thought you could still represent your school at home?! Let’s go Dobcroft!