Y5 - 1st May
Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 4:04pm
Hello Y5s,
I have had the most wonderful week back in school with those coming in but am missing the rest of you! We have been completing all of our blog work and have been planting lots of sunflowers and making cuttings from plants in Miss Bartlett’s garden! We have completed the 2.6 challenges we set (some of us running 2.6miles around the playground, 26 laps dribbling a basketball and 26 minutes of Just Dance and I managed to complete my 260 netball shots!). Have you managed to complete one? We also managed a great game of Kwik Cricket and I got caught out on my first hit – typical! What has been the most exciting part of your week? I hope you have gotten your seeds (see the message from Miss Field below) and enjoy planting them – fingers crossed they germinate! Has anyone sent in their recipe for the book? I’m trying to choose one to contribute!
I am very excited to speak to my class this morning – I will see you all digitally very soon! :) Have a fab weekend.
Miss Wilson x
Hello Lovely Y5.
I have been planning, for quite a few weeks, how I would get some sunflower seeds to you all, so that we could have a giant sunflower growing competition. So I ordered the seeds at the beginning of the Easter Holidays but they didn't turn up. Then Mrs Scriven said she'd saved all the seeds from her sunflowers from last year and that we could have them. So Mrs Scriven and Miss Bartlett carefully put a few in each envelope, just in case some don't germinate. Then I came to school and put the little envelope into a bigger envelope with the instructions and stuck your address on the front. It took quite a while to group all your addresses to send out to you and very kindly Miss Bartlett, Ms Powell, Mrs Booth and Mrs Scammell all offered to help me deliver them as well as some of the Y5's that are in school. Some have gone in the post so if you haven't got yours I would imagine it will come in the next day or two. But you'll never guess what happened when I got back from delivering the last envelope yesterday? Yep you've guessed it, the packets that I ordered turned up on the door mat! Typical! Anyway I'm a bit worried that some of you might have moved addresses and the document I used to get your addresses might be a bit out of date, so if you haven't got one please let me know and I'll send some more out to you.
So this weekend you need to get planting, follow the instructions and good luck!
Miss F x