Y4 Home learning from 24/4/2020
Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 12:36pm
Hi Year 4, it’s Miss Jagger here. I hope you are all ok and staying safe!
What have you been up to this week? I've been enjoying the sunshine, baking cookies (chocolate orange flavour!) and I've even gone out for a couple of runs...to burn off all the cookies I've eaten!
This blog post includes a maths, writing, P.E and science task for you to be getting on with. Don’t forget you can still log onto TT Rockstars, Spelling Shed and MyMaths if you want any extra practise J
I’m missing you all so much and hopefully see you all soon!
Maths LO To translate shapes Today we would like you to continue the work on translation however today we would like you to practise translating 2d shapes. WAGOLL
Remember…To describe a translation, you have to say how many squares it has moved to the left or right, and how many squares it has moved up or down. The example above shows that Shape A has been translated 5 squares to the right and 3 up. I have attached a work sheet for you to complete. You can either print it out or type the answers onto the document. I have also uploaded an extra sheet if you want a challenge on translations! |
English LO To write a film review We would like you to have a family film night (don’t forget the popcorn!) and watch your favourite film or a new film that you haven’t seen before. After you have watched the film, we would like you to write a film review all about it. Questions you could answer:
If you need a template please set it out like this… (This document has also been uploaded onto the blog)
P.E Can you complete this healthy body and mind challenge? E.g. I am grateful for amazing technology as it means I can Facetime family members that I haven't seen for a while. |
Write a conclusion about what you have found out about how sugar can affect human teeth using how the egg shells were affected as evidence for your conclusion. |