24th September 2020
Date: 23rd Sep 2020 @ 3:48pm
Hi Year 3,
Below is an outline of the work that you need to complete over the next two days. Make sure you try your very best just like you do in class J
Your English work is Harry Potter themed, but please don’t worry if you haven’t read the book, everything you need to complete the activities is included in the instructions (attached as either English Thursday or English Friday).
Aim: Using conjunctions and clauses.
You will start off by watching a clip from Harry Potter where the children are sorted into houses using the sorting hat. There is also an extract from the book for you to read too that is included in the attachment named English Thursday. The aim of today’s lesson is to revise clauses and conjunctions. Listen to the song about conjunctions to help you and read the PowerPoint. The PowerPoint has audio with it to help you be independent in your tasks.
Harry Potter video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0cla_h_f8M
BBC bitesize link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zwwp8mn/articles/zqk37p3
Song link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2ug9xr0Ias
Aim: Developing understanding of conjunctions and clauses.
Today you will recap conjunctions (you will be an expert by Year 4!). You need to read We got Potter that is included in the attachment named English Friday, all the instructions for the task are also included there. To help you with the task, you might find it useful to watch the video and song again from yesterday. Once you have completed your sentences you will select your favourite and illustrate it.
On your Mymaths account, you have two tasks available to complete.
Aim 1 - Thursday: To add two digit numbers.
Aim 2 – Friday: To count in 3s.
There are two reading comprehensions for you to complete, one on Thursday and one on Friday. One is about Roald Dahl and the other is all about how to look after a dog. You need to read the text and answer the questions about it. Choose your level of difficulty by looking at the stars at the bottom of your sheet.
1 star – Not feeling very confident
2 star – Feeling OK
3 star – Feeling confident
Aim: To understand how to cope with different feelings.
As we are all going through a really strange time at the moment, it is a really good opportunity to think about how we may feel about COVID-19. Your first job is to think about how you are feeling at the moment and complete sheet 1. Once you have talked about what is worrying you, please look at the second sheet that shows some ideas of useful coping strategies to try. The blank activity sheet gives you the space to write your own ideas about what will help you to cope with and feel better about changes that might happen because of COVID-19.
Aim – To explore a range of musical instruments.
Today you will need to work your way through the music Powerpoint. Within the Powerpoint, you will have the opportunity to listen to people playing a range of musical instruments. It might be useful to make some notes as you work your way through it as you are going to be making a poster and answering the following questions at the end:
What's your favourite musical instrument that you have listened to today and why?
Which musical instrument was your least favourite and why?
Can you play an instrument? If not, what instrument would you like to play and why?!
What type of music do you listen to?
Extra task –
Aim: To write a setting description.
If you manage to finish all of the tasks that have been set, I would like you to write a setting description. I have uploaded a picture for you and I want you to use the word mats to help you. I have given you an adverb word mat, conjunctions and other connectives, alternative adjectives and a setting description mat. I have also uploaded the success criteria for you to use J Try and tick everything off! Good luck!