Year 6 Wider Curriculum Week Beginning 8th June: RE Focus
Date: 5th Jun 2020 @ 7:54am
To consider why some books are seen as sources of wisdom in different communities.
Consider this: who are the wise people you go to for advice? Why do you choose them? Pick 5 people that you trust the wisdom of and create mind map of what qualities that they have that you trust.
Next, consider if there are any non-human things that you would turn to for advice? Are any of them more or less trustworthy than the people that you picked? Do the objects have different qualities to the people?
This week we are learning about the wisdom, teaching and authority that Christians, Muslims (who follow the religion of Islam) and Hindus find in their holy books. Write down any questions you have about their holy books. I’ve created a few of my own below.
Here are some links to get you started on answering your questions and mine – but you may need to do some research of your own to help find the answers – they might not all be on one website.
- What is the name of each holy book?
- How was the holy book written?
- How is the holy book organised?
- How is the holy book organised?
- What does the holy book contain?
To consider why some texts from the Bible are seen as sources of wisdom in different communities.
Christians believe that the Bible is the word of God, and that it was written down by humans. This short video will give you an overview of Christianity:
Watch the video of the parable of the wise and foolish builder. Can you retell the story and work out the message that is being given?
This is the parable as told by Jesus in the Bible:
Matthew 7:24-29 Living Bible (TLB)
24 “All who listen to my instructions and follow them are wise, like a man who builds his house on solid rock. 25 Though the rain comes in torrents, and the floods rise and the storm winds beat against his house, it won’t collapse, for it is built on rock.
26 “But those who hear my instructions and ignore them are foolish, like a man who builds his house on sand. 27 For when the rains and floods come, and storm winds beat against his house, it will fall with a mighty crash.” 28 The crowds were amazed at Jesus’ sermons, 29 for he taught as one who had great authority, and not as their Jewish leaders.
Jesus makes the point that Christians should be following his advice – which they believe is in the Bible.
There are many other pieces of advice in a book of the Bible called Proverbs. In the Tuesday Task file, I’ve attached a few Proverbs. This is your opportunity to respond thoughtfully to Christian beliefs and teachings. You need to sort the Proverbs into two groups: guidance that you feel is useful and could follow in your life, and advice that they feel would not help you live your life the best way that you could. You might do this by discussing it with an adult, or bu printing them out and arranging them, then writing a sentence to explain your choice for each.
How might this wisdom impact your life, even if you aren’t a Christian?
Consider why some texts from the Qur’an are seen as sources of wisdom in different communities
Muslims believe that Prophet Muhammad was the last prophet to have the word of God revealed to him and that this was written down and was the Qur'an. This short video will give you an overview of the Qur’an:
How do Muslims show respect for the Qur’an?
Here are some examples of Muslim values:
o Following a straight path
o Helping poor people
o Caring for animals
o Forgiveness
Do any overlap with Christianity from last lesson? Do any of the Proverbs communicate the same ideas?
In the Tuesday Quran Quotes file there are a range of quotes from the Quran. Discuss with an adult, or print out an annotate, what meanings you think there are behind these different statements.
In the Wednesday Task files are stories about the prophet Muhammed. He is inspirational Muslims and set an example for all Muslims to follow – discuss, or print out and annotate, parts of the stories that show that what positive values Muhammad was displaying. Perhaps helpful, kind, compassionate, loving, generous, following a straight path, brave, forgiving?
How might this wisdom impact your life, even if you aren’t a Muslim?
Consider why some texts from the Vedas are seen as sources of wisdom in different communities.
This short video will give you an overview of Hinduism:
Look through information in the Thursday The Vedas File about Hindu books – there are many. Try to create a mindmap as you read the information to try and process how many books there are and how they are organised.
Use the Twinkl Sheet to get to grips with the different books and where Hindus would find different pieces of information (You may select from the One, Two or Three Star depending what level of challenge you feel you need)
Once complete, the Task 2and 3 files contain Hindu stories. Like yesterday, read the story and highlight the wisdom that is imparted through the story – annotating if you are able to print it out.
How might this wisdom impact your life, even if you aren’t a Hindu?
To respond thoughtfully to the ideas found in the texts with ideas of my own
What have you learnt across this week able the impact of holy books and their wisdom, teaching and authority for believers of the Hindu, Islam and Christian faiths? · Are there any of the wise sayings that have particular relevance for them personally?
Your task sheet today has 9 sayings that come from Hinduism, Christianity and Islam. Discuss or think about the meaning of each with a partner.
Which do you feel is the most important? Why? Print out and arrange, or copy out the saying if you don’t have a printer, and arrange them into a pyramid with the most important for you on the top, then a row of two that you consider quite important, then a row or three and a bottom row of three for the ones you connect least with. Why did you arrange them in this way? Annotate your work or discuss it with an adult.
Now create a story, in the spirit of the ones that you have read this week, to communicate one of the messages in the sayings that you feel is important. If you wish to share, please email your stories to us as we’d like to read them.