Year 6 Maths week beginning 1st June
Date: 29th May 2020 @ 4:24pm
Hi Year 6, Miss Farrah here. I hope you’ve had a great half term break and are ready to get back to work.
This week in Maths you will be learning all about the properties of shapes - specifically calculating angles. You will begin by revising the different types of angles and then you will be challenged to calculate missing angles on a straight line and angles around a point. You will then move on to finding the missing angles in triangles and quadrilaterals.
All resources are attached to the blog post. Parents - we have included answers too.
- We are going to kick start the week with a mental maths activity. This will get your brains warmed up after the half term break. There are 2 versions of the mental test, a full booklet and a paper saving version. It is always a good idea to show some of your method, so if you use the paper saving version, jot your calculations on a piece of paper.
- Once you have completed the mental maths activity, ask your adult to check the answers for you. Try to go back and see where you went wrong; could you get it right if you tried it again?
- Now take a look at the activities on BBC Bitesize
Watch the video and then have a go at the activities following it.
- Why not create your own poster of the different angle types, with a definition, e.g. An obtuse angle is _______.
L.O: To calculate missing angles on a straight line
- Remind yourself of the angle types you looked at yesterday. Try describing them to someone at home.
- Open the PowerPoint and read through how to calculate angles on a straight line. You will need to pause and complete Activity 1 (dominoes).
- Now continue on the PowerPoint to watch a video which will show you an example of calculating missing angles. After you have read the PowerPoint, you can complete Activity 2. You can choose which sheet you do, based on how confident you feel (1 star = easiest 3 star = most challenging). You might like to do all 3!
- If you are an absolute whizz at this you can have a go at the challenge sheet.
- Once you have finished your sheet, have a go at the True or False quiz on the PowerPoint.
L.O: To calculate missing angles around a point
- Open the PowerPoint and revise the different types of angles.
- On slide 10 you can click on the link to watch a video about angles around a point and how to calculate missing angles.
- Continue through the slides.
- You will need to pause and complete Activity 1. Once you have completed activity 1 you can check your answers in the next slide. After you have read the PowerPoint, you can complete Activity 2. You can choose which sheet you feel most confident (1 star = easiest 3 star = most challenging).
- If you are an absolute whizz at this you can have a go at the challenge sheet.
- Have a go at the True or False quiz at the end of the PowerPoint.
L.O: To calculate missing angles that are vertically opposite.
- You will be learning how to calculate missing angles that are vertically opposite.
- Using the PowerPoint, start by estimating the size of angles.
- Work your way through the slides to learn how to calculate vertically opposite angles.
Some of the vocabulary may be new to you.
- If you need some extra input, click on the link to watch a video example.
If you want to get started straightaway, that’s fine too.
- Now complete Activity 1 from the list of resources. You can choose either 1, 2 or 3 stars. 1 is the easiest. Ask your adults to check your answers using the answer sheet on page 4.
- Once you have completed that, have a go at Activity 2. You can choose how deep you want to dive. Page 1 is the easiest (the submarine is still near the surface) and page 3 is the hardest (the submarine has reached the ocean floor).
- Finally, have a go at Activity 3 – the angle challenge on the PowerPoint or have a go at the extra challenge sheet. The arrows on the lines indicate that the lines are parallel.
L.O: To identify missing angles in a triangle
- Follow the link below to load the video.
- You will be led through Activity 1, a Flashback activity. Pause the video and have a go at the activity. There is no sheet for this first activity. Write your answers on a piece of paper.
- Re-start the video and follow the instructions. You will need the worksheet called Friday Activity 2. If you don’t have a printer, you can write your answers on a piece of paper or in a book, if you’re using one.
- Ask your adult to check your answers, using the answer sheet.
- If you want even more of a challenge, take a look at the extra challenge sheets. There are 2 different levels; Extra Challenge 1 and Extra Challenge 2. Beware, they are extra tricky!
You can either select a sheet to print or use the PowerPoint to display the questions and answers. There are 3 levels on the PowerPoint but stick to the first two. Have fun!