Year 5 Maths, Week Beginning 8th June
Date: 5th Jun 2020 @ 4:11pm
Y5 Maths Blog 8/6
L.O: To reflect using coordinates
This is building on from your work last Thursday when you reflected points and shapes in a mirror line. This is similar but you need to think about the coordinates on the grid as well. (Remember, x axis then y axis) Remember to use a ruler for straight lines. The naughty people who wrote the answer sheet haven’t. Don’t be like them!
On the main sheet, read instructions carefully to work out what to do. Question 4 gets tricky but you can do it!
L.O: To use translation
Translation means to move a shape. It is different from reflection. Shapes can be translated up and down or side to side but cannot be turned or changed in size/shape. You will have to describe how a shape has been translated (what direction and how far) and also practise translating shapes following simple instructions.
L.O: To translate with coordinates
We can do this – it’s like yesterday, but with coordinates!
End of Block Assessment
Again – see how you get on! I’ve included some extra translation sheets if you want/need more practise J
Mental Arithmetic Test
Remember Miss Field’s advice from last week!