Year 5 Home learning 28.5.2021
Date: 27th May 2021 @ 8:12am
To be completed by: Wednesday 9/06/2021
Children in Year 5 are expected to complete 50 minutes of homework each week. Please help and support your child wherever possible. However, your child should be able to complete the work independently as it is linked to objectives taught during the week at school. Although homework is now set through online platforms, your child’s teacher is able to see if your child has completed tasks set and how well they have understood the task. Rewards will be given to children for completing homework on time.
Focus: Direct Spech
Because of all the technical issues with Activelearn recently, for our English home learning this week we are uploading the worksheet onto class dojo. The worksheet is called: Y5 home learning- Direct Speech
You do not need to print it out (save your ink). Children can write their answers on a piece of paper and take a picture to be put onto class dojo for the teacher to see OR they can complete the home learning on dojo itself and the teachers will be notified when it is completed online.
Spellings: Challenge Words
Please note your child will be tested on their spelling list every Friday.