Year 5 Home Learning - Friday 16th October
Date: 15th Oct 2020 @ 3:07pm
English Focus: reading comprehension Please login to your ActiveLearnPrimary account ( Your child’s passwords has been sent out on the Y5 newsletter. Two books have been set on bug club. Beowolf and the Beast - this is an easier text if you think Ampata and the Scarlett Macaws is too hard. Have a go at reading one of the books (you may not finish it all) and have a go at answering the questions. You will find the comprehension questions within the pages of the book- you must click on the yellow button with an alien on it, to find the questions. Reading for pleasure Please continue to read at least three times a week to an adult or by yourself. You are all doing so well with your reading and it's great to hear how enthused you are about particular authors. Although we aren't using our reading logs at the moment, your teacher still wants to hear all about the fantastic texts you are reading at home. |
Spellings Focus: Words that are on the Y5 and Y6 national curriculum spelling list.
Please login in to your Spelling shed account if your child wishes to extend their spelling knowledge after practising their weekly spellings. (Your child’s password has been sent out on the Y5 newsletter) Please note your child will be tested on their spelling list every Friday. |