Year 4 Remote Education Wider Curriculum, Reading, PSHE and PE 14.06.21
Date: 10th Jun 2021 @ 7:31pm
Wider Curriculum - ART
LO: To produce creative work by using observations made in sketchbooks.
Watch the youtube clip:
Choose a picture you want to copy to draw a minibeast outline and then add shading.
Use shading techniques from last lesson to show:
- Texture
- Dark and light
- Different colours
- It is a 3D shape
Tasks 1, 2 and 3
PSHE – Anti-Bullying – MEAN, RUDE or a BULLY?
Read through the PowerPoint.
Can you answer these questions afterwards?
- What is the difference between a mean person, a rude person and a bully?
- Why do people bully?
- Can you think of 3 positive things you could do if you were being bullied?
Task 1 – Soaky Sponges
Task 2 –Socks in Pots
Task 3 – Spell it Out
Task 4 – Spelling Bee