Year 3 Wider Curriculum Week Beginning 22nd June
Date: 19th Jun 2020 @ 10:32am
Hi everybody, we have 2 weeks of science coming up. Our focus is plants. There are lots of fun experiments to do but if you're not able to do them, don't worry as I'll show you what happens on the powerpoint.
What kind of flower grows on your lips? - Tulips!
What kind of tree can fit in your hand - a palm tree!
Wider Curriculum – Science – Plants (2 weeks)
There are some practical experiments for this science topic. Where possible I will attach a video so that you can see results online if you are not able to do the experiments yourself.
Useful resources – celery, food colouring, 8 of the same bedding plants in separate pots (cress will also work!)
Main Objectives:
- To identify and describe the features of roots, stems/trunks, leaves and flowers
- To explore what plants need to grow
- To investigate the way in which water is transported within plants
- To explore the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal.
L.O: To set up experiments
If you are able to do any of these experiments it will help your scientific knowledge. Experiments need to be left for a week to see results.
1 – To explore the function of the stem. (see powerpoint)
2 – To investigate what plants need to grow (see powerpoint)
I’ve also included a blank wordsearch so you can make your own for this topic. Most of you could use page 2. Fit the words into the grid first and then add extra letters until there are no more spaces!
flower stem root leaves absorb anchor
transport water nutrients energy
pollination petal seed reproduce dispersal
L.O: To understand the function of roots (short lesson)
The powerpoint will show the purpose of roots on a plant. If you’re allowed, ask a grown up to show you the roots of a plant in the garden. What do they look and feel like?
Next time you are walking through Ecclesall Woods, look for tree roots. Why are they so big do you think?
Wednesday (make sure you’ve had 2 days since setting up celery)
L.O: To understand how water travels through plants
This is the video link to see what happens in the celery experiment. If you’ve been able to do the experiment yourself, let your child pull it apart – if you have a magnifying glass – even better! It is really fun to peel the xylem tubes out of the stem and see the colour being transported. (from 1:44)
L.O: To make observations about plants
Today is based on art. We would like you to draw or paint some flowers. Find some flowers in your garden, or on a walk, or use the internet, and practise your life drawing. Think about the shapes and colours you can see. Can you add or the detail? Try to make your art work as realistic as you can. While you’re doing this think about the parts of the plant you can see, and why it looks like it does.
L.O: To understand the life cycle of plants
Pollination video clip