Y6: Wednesday 13th May
Date: 12th May 2020 @ 2:19pm
Maths - from Mr Harrison
L/O To Use Scale Factors
Visit this website: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/
Click on Week 1, then watch the video and tackle the task for LESSON 5
Click on Week 2, then watch the video and tackle the task for LESSON 1
More maths? http://www.iseemaths.com/lessons56/ Have a look at whatever takes your fancy on the Gareth Metcalf website. He’s created videos and investigations about so many areas of maths.
More challenge words this week...
There are definitions on the spelling sheet - can you match the spellings to the definitions?
Once you are confident you know what each word means, give you own definition of what the word means to someone else - can they guaess what word you mean?
History - from Miss Taylor
L.O: To use sources of evidence to deduce information about the past
WW2 took place after the invention of photographs, videos and the printing press to produce newspapers so there is a lot more primary evidence (evidence created at the time of the event) than for other periods of history. Compare this to the Anglo-Saxon/Viking period when only Monks could write and we rely on their handwritten documents and the remains of artifacts and bodies to inform us of life back then.
Today, we’re going to be using photographic evidence to infer and deduce what it might have been like to live through a period of the Second World War known as the Blitz. Deduce and infer are words that you will have used a lot in reading sessions and they simply mean to use the evidence you are presented with to come up with ideas about something and then explain these.
To start off with, you’ll need to know a little bit about the Blitz and this fabulous website will give you some back ground information about what the Blitz was. http://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/war/blitz.htm#siren
Task: The Imperial War Museum has put together a few photo galleries of what happened to our country during the Blitz. Look at all the images so that you can see the damaged it caused. However, when you get to an image with people in, choose on person to focus on and think about the answers to these questions for that person. You don’t need to write these down.
- What are they doing and what is happening around that person?
- What can they see? What sounds might they be able to hear? Smell? Feel?
- What negative emotions might they be feeling? How can you tell? Why might they be feeling that?
- What positive emotions might they be feeling? How can you tell? Why might they be feeling that?
- What questions might the person have?
Now, use the sheet called ‘What Was It Like To Live Through The Blitz?’ to fill in a thought bubble to show what you think that person was thinking. The thought bubbles on the sheet aren’t attached to photos or people so that you have the freedom to choose. Be detailed in what you write and try to incorporate the answers to the questions above. If you have access to a printer, you could print out the images and your thoughts and stick the thought to the person thinking it.
Here is an example.
Scaffold: Use the ‘Scaffold What Was It Like To Live Through The Blitz?’ sheet if you’d like some support.
Physical Activity – From Mrs Conroy
Today is the Triathlon challenge: Swim / Cycle / Run
- On your stomach lift your arms and legs and waggle for 30 seconds
- On your back, cycle your legs in the air for 30 seconds – this can be made harder by lowering your legs so that they are close to the floor.
- Jump up and run on the spot (quick feet) for 30 seconds.
- Rest for 30 seconds and then repeat 5 times.