Y6 Remote Education Maths 05.07.21
Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 1:25pm
Monday 05.07.21 - Friday 09.07.21
Work your way through the transition booklet, doing one page each day.
After you have completed a page, mark your work with the answer sheet.
Monday – Place Value Mystery Number
Use the clues to help you calculate the mystery number.
Tuesday – Calculation Course
Work through the calculations to find the number at the end.
Wednesday – Fraction Flags
Solve the fraction problems for each flag.
Thursday – Decimal Game
Use the digit cards and ask someone to play with you. Read the instructions carefully.
Friday – Geometry and Measure Game
You will need two players for this one as well.
You will need a dice and 2 sets of different coloured counters (at least 20 of each).