Y6: Monday 18th May
Date: 18th May 2020 @ 7:01am
L/O To measure using a protractor
Visit this website: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/
Click on Week 2 (it’s right down at the bottom of the website), then watch the video and tackle the task for LESSON 3
More maths? Head over to Nrich and have a go at estimating angles https://nrich.maths.org/1235
English (these tasks are for Monday and Tuesday)- Miss Harper
Reading activity
L.O: To explain words in context
1) Open up the file named: Explaining Vocabulary.
2) Read the task instructions at the top of the page and complete the sheet. You can either print the sheet off and complete the sheet or work on a piece of paper.
3) Support- Use a dictionary or ‘dictionary.com’ to help you.
4) Check your answers by opening up the file named: Answers for explaining vocabulary
Keep this work in the ‘reading’ section of your folder.
Writing activity
L.O: To use a range of KS2 SPaG objectives accurately
- Open the file named: Writing Activity.
- Follow the instructions to create a long paragraph of writing using the SPaG objectives outlined on the sheet.
- I would like you to do this task by hand. You may have used your computers a lot the past few weeks; therefore, handwriting is especially important. Remember to smile in and out; your ascenders need to touch the top line and your descenders must go below the line. Your lower-case letters must be all the same size. I have attached a video that I expect you all to watch before you begin your handwriting.
- To help you, there is a WAGOLL for support on the worksheet and I have also included a help sheet for every SPaG objective outlined on the sheet. This will remind you what each objective is and how to use them in your writing.
- When you have completed your piece of writing, check your work through for any spelling and punctuation errors. Keep this work in the ‘writing’ section of your folder.
Physical Activity – From Mrs Conroy
Today’s challenge:
Let’s kick start the week with a Joe Wick’s workout!
Joe Wicks daily live stream PE lesson https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1
Standing Long Jump Challenge
This is a fantastic challenge from Martha in Y6CT.
Steps to Success – Standing long jump taking off and landing from two feet to two feet.
I recommend you try this on grass!
- Prepare for take off by bending your legs and swinging your arms back when preparing to take off.
- As you take off swing your arms forward and up and during flight and stretch your hands up in the air (almost like a monkey on a trapeze)
- Land your jump with you feet close together and both feet should land at the same time.
- A correct landing position is heads up / bottom down with your weight moving forward.
You could line your shoes up and see how many you can jump over, or soft toys. You could even measure your height and see if you can jump the length of your body.
Hopefully we will be able to practise this technique using our long jump pit after half term.