Y6 Maths Week Beginning 29th June
Date: 27th Jun 2020 @ 12:34pm
Hi Year 6, Miss Farrah here again. You will be finishing off the unit on statistics this week.
All resources are attached to the blog post.
Parents - we have included answers too.
Monday 29th June
- We are going to kick start the week with a mental arithmetic test. There are 2 versions of the mental test, a full booklet and a paper saving version. It is always a good idea to show some of your method, so if you use the paper saving version, jot your calculations on a piece of paper.
- Once you have completed the mental maths activity, ask your adult to check the answers for you. Try to go back and see where you went wrong; could you get it right if you tried it again?
Tuesday 30th June
Starter – Complete the questions on the week 5 day 5 slide
LO: to understand and draw scatter graphs.
- Today, you are going to be interpreting data on a scatter graph (also called a scatter diagram) and then you will have a go at constructing your own.
- Scatter diagrams are best used when there is a link or correlation between 2 variables. Take a look at the following page on BBC Bitesize: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zrg4jxs/revision/8. Scatter diagrams are in the KS3 Maths curriculum but in KS2, they are part of the Science curriculum. Work your way through page 8 and to the end of page 9.
- When you have read about scatter graphs, have a go at activity 1 to see if you can read data from one.
- Check your answers.
- Now have a go at plotting your own scatter graph with Activity 2.
- If you would like to do more, perhaps you could investigate for yourself by finding your own data and creating a scatter graph.
Wednesday 1st July
Starter – Complete the questions on the week 6 day 1 slide
L.O: to calculate the mean
- Begin by working through the PowerPoint, pausing to answer the questions when prompted.
- When you have completed the slides, choose one of the Activity 1 sheets to work on. Diving is *, Deeper is ** and Deepest is ***. You may do more than one if you wish!
- When you have finished, check your answers or ask an adult to check.
- If you would like to do a little more, have a go at the Extra Challenge.
Thursday 2nd July
Starter – Complete the questions on the week 6 day 2 slide
You have now finished the block on statistics, so you will be completing an assessment today. Ask an adult to check your work and then maybe you could go back and see where you went wrong. You might even want to try correcting any errors.
Friday 3rd July
Starter – Complete the questions on the week 6 day 3 slide
For the rest of the term, you are going to be working on maths problems and investigations.
- You are going to be working systematically in this investigation.
- Read the instructions carefully and if you don’t understand anything, ask an adult to read the guidance. You are trying to find the highest and the lowest total possible.
- When you have finished, click on the link to take you to the solution. https://nrich.maths.org/91/solution