Y6: Friday 22nd May
Date: 21st May 2020 @ 1:37pm
Maths – from Mr Harrison
L/O To calculate missing angles
Visit this website: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/
Click on Week 2, then watch the video and tackle the task for LESSON 5
English (this task is for Friday) – from Miss Harper
Spelling activity
L.O: To spell words on the Y5 and 6 spelling list
1) To remind yourself of some of the words that you must try to spell correctly by the end of Y6, open the file named: Y5 and 6 spelling list. (If you find these words tricky - spend some time recapping words from the Year 3 and 4 list to get yourself warmed up!)
2) Then, open up the file named: Crossword.
3) Have a go at completing the crossword by spelling the Y5 and Y6 spellings correctly. Try not to look at the spelling list whilst you are completing the crossword. If you cannot complete it without having a look at the spellings, that is absolutely fine.
4) If you think you have completed it, with all the correct spellings, check your work with the file named: Answers for Crossword.
Wider Curriculum – History – From Miss Taylor
L.O: To research your family connections with the war
As I’ve said before, studying WW2 is unlike other history topics you’ve cover before because there are still people alive who lived through it. On VE day, I was in a family chat with my cousins (some of whom are a good 10 years older than me) and they could remember stories of my grandad (or Dycu to me which Welsh for grandad) and his time in the war. One of my uncles was born in August of 1939 and very soon after that my Dycu was posted to Asia where he stayed until well after the war ended in Japan (in August 1945). Through this chat, I learned a lot about my Dycu, my granny (who had been left at home with a new-born baby and an 18-month-old baby) and about how my uncles grew up.
Your grandparents will be significantly younger than my grandparents, and younger than my uncles too I’d imagine but I bet they have got stories of what it was like during the war that have been passed down to them from their parents or grandparents.
Task: Your task this week, is to find out about your own family history during WW2. You could write an interview for your parents, aunties and uncles or grand-parents to see what they know or what stories have been passed down to them. There might be old photos, medals or diaries that your family could show you. It might be that your family weren’t really affected by the war or perhaps your family were off fighting or being evacuated or hosting evacuees. Hopefully you’ll find out something new about your family that you didn’t know before. I don’t mind how you present this learning (writing what you’ve learnt, drawing pictures, drawing a cartoon of their story), the main thing here is learning about your family.
You might not be able to do all of this on a Friday afternoon – you might need to wait until your parents are free or you can call your grand-parents, but you could make a start by writing some questions that you’d like to know the answer to.
If you don’t have anyone at home to interview, still write your questions and see if Hannah and her grandad answer any of them in this interview. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHTJrRV_uus
Happy researching!
Physical Activity – From Mrs Conroy
It’s a FOOTBALL FRIDAY challenge today!
Equipment needed: football or a rolled up pair of socks or a tennis ball.
Target – bin or washing basket
Keepy-uppy challenge
How many kick-ups can you do?
In it to bin challenge
Create a target – for you football pros position the target further away and reduce the size of the target. Can you shoot the ball into a target in the least number of attempts?
Also – don’t forget that we have until Sunday May 24th to get as many points as possible on the Points Network Games - https://sites.google.com/view/points-learning-network-sports/home