Y6: Friday 15th May
Date: 14th May 2020 @ 9:23am
L/O To Recap Ratio and Proportion- Mr Harrison
Visit this website: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/
Click on Week 2 (it’s right down at the bottom of the website), then watch the video and tackle the task for LESSON 3
More maths? http://www.iseemaths.com/lessons56/ Have a look at whatever takes your fancy on the Gareth Metcalf website. He’s created videos and investigations about so many areas of maths.
English (this task is for Friday) - Miss Harper
Reading activity
L.O: To retrieve, infer and summarise information from non-fiction
1) Open the document called: FA Cup Reading Comprehension
2) There are three levels of difficulty. 1 star, 2 star and 3 star. (3 star is the most challenging).
Choose one to have a go at.
3) Complete using the sheet or write your answers on a piece of paper.
4) The answers are on the pages directly after the comprehension you choose to do. Check your answers after completing your comprehension.
Keep your work in the ‘reading’ section of your folder.
Wider Curriculum – Art – Bridget Riley 1
L.O: to be able to talk about the work of Bridget Riley and create a piece in her style
Read the information in the Twinkl PowerPoint and make a note of your answers as you go. Then watch this video from the Hayward Gallery, London (just around the corner from the London Eye) which introduces her early black & white works. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XR2yTmNOKJ0
Follow this instructional video to create your own version of Movement in Squares. You’ll need white paper, a ruler, a pencil and coloured pens or pencils. The lady uses a mixture of colours but Bridget only used black & white. Which do you prefer? Why?
Physical Activity – From Mrs Conroy
This Friday’s challenge is the ‘teddy bear challenge!’
Watch the clip and then have a go at the 10 physical activity challenges – I really like the duck walks!
Enjoy and have a lovely weekend!