Y6 English Week beginning 07.12.20
Date: 3rd Dec 2020 @ 8:04pm
Y6 English
Monday 07.07.20
LO: Grammar revision
Read through the power point.
Complete quizzes parts 1, 2 and 3.
Tuesday 08.12.20
LO: To analyse the features of a non-chronological report
Use the ‘Features Of a Non Chron sheet’ to find the features in the Shark text.
Use highlighters to identify what they are on the text.
Wednesday 09.12.20
LO: To research an animal
Decide which animal you want to write about.
Read through the ‘Writing a non-chron’ power point.
Use the ‘Non-Chronological reports’ PDF document to make notes about your chosen animal.
Thursday 10.12.20 and Friday 11.12.20
LO: To write a Non-Chronological report.
Write a non-chronological report on the animal you have researched.
Print out the 'Non-chronological report writing template' to help you plan out your own design on a plain piece of paper.
Use a full page, decide where heading, paragraphs, diagrams, photos, fact boxes etc… should go and present the work beautifully.