Y5 Wider Curriculum week beginning 25.01.2021 - Reading, Online Safety, Science, P.E and French(PPA Afternoon)
Date: 20th Jan 2021 @ 2:16pm
Y5 Wider Curriculum week beginning 25.01.2021
Reading, Online safety, Science, French and PE (PPA Afternoon)
Y5 Reading
Task – Monday
Non Fiction – ‘The Wright Brothers’
Read the information and answer the questions on the text.
Choose the 1, 2 or 3 star option and complete
(1 star is the support task, 2 star is the main task, 3 star is the challenge task).
Task – Tuesday – links to science learning please see science task 1 for more detail.
Non Fiction – ‘Circulatory System’
Choose the 1, 2 or 3 star option and complete
(1 star is the support task, 2 star is the main task, 3 star is the challenge task).
Task – Friday
L.O: To infer
1) Open the document called: 29.01.21 - Friday Reading -Fishing
2) Look at the picture, read the questions underneath and answer them.
There is not right and wrong answers, it is your interpretation of the image.
Y5 Wider curriculum –Online safety- Monday 25.01.21
L.O: To understand ‘fake news’ and to know how to deal with it
1) Watch this video about fake news. This will give you an outline about the news and how some news that you read can be ‘fake news’.
2) Go through the PowerPoint named: Monday 25.01.21 - Online safety Fake News PowerPoint. Or open the PDF if you do not have PowerPoint.
Here are some words and their definitions you may come across today in the PowerPoint.
Fake Not real / made up.
Macedonia A country in South Eastern Europe
Propaganda Information given to promote one side of an argument. Usually used in political battles or to promote a specific cause.
Satire making fun of topical issues or politics.
Scam something that is meant to mislead or trick people.
Task 1- After you have been through the PowerPoint, have a go at answering the questions on the document named: Monday 25.01.21 Online Safety Task 1 then check your work with the answer sheet.
Task 2- Then, create a poster. Use this website to help you create the information on your poster. https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/38906931
You can create your poster on the computer, on the class dojo website or on paper.
On the poster, explain:
What is fake news?
How can you spot fake news?
Why is ‘fake news’ a problem?
Y5 Wider Curriculum – Science – Tuesday and Wednesday 26.01.2021-27.01.2021
LO To explain the functions of the circulatory system
Tuesday 26.01.2021
Task 1 – Carefully read through the ‘Science Reading Comprehension Information sheet' and highlight any important information. Once you have read the information, complete the ‘Circulatory system reading comprehension’ you can choose to do the 1, 2 or 3 star option. Make sure you mark your answers when you have finished.
Task 2 – Work your way through the Circulatory System PowerPoint (also uploaded as a PDF). Your next task over Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon is to plan, create and play a game linked to the Circulatory System. Use the resources in task 1 to help you when creating your game/quiz.
The PowerPoint shows you three examples of the type of game you can choose to do.
- A physical board game
- A ‘Who wants to be a millionaire’ quiz using PowerPoint
- You can design a quiz using scratch (you can access this online at https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/31876)
Today (Tuesday) we would like you to decide what type of game you would like to do and plan it out using the ‘Circulatory system game plan’ document.
Wednesday 27.01.2021
Yesterday, we focussed on learning the functions of the circulatory system and you will have planned a circulatory system game.
Your task for today is to create and play your game based on the circulatory system.
You will have chosen to make either…
- A physical board game
- A ‘Who wants to be a millionaire’ quiz using PowerPoint
- A quiz using Scratch to create it (you can access this online at https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/31876)
Attached to this blog are some resources that can help you whilst you are creating your circulatory game. Don’t forget to use your resources from yesterday to help you to generate questions for your game/quiz.
Board game – Please use the document ‘Board game template’ if you would like ideas for how the game could be played/cards you can use/ parts of the circulatory system you can use in your game.
Who wants to be a millionaire quiz – Please use the PowerPoint called ‘Who wants to be a millionaire’. Once you have downloaded this PowerPoint, you will be able to edit it for your own circulatory system quiz.
Scratch quiz – Please watch this YouTube clip to follow how to make a quiz using Scratch. Remember, your quiz should focus on the Circulatory System. You may need to watch the clip more than once!
Y5 Wider curriculum –PE-
Thursday 28.01.21
For all PE activities, you will need to:
-Set up and complete your sessions outside where there is more space (if possible).
-Make sure there is enough space for your activity (if you cannot go outside). Be mindful of your belongings around you.
-Get a drink of water to hand
Task 1
L.O: To improve my cardio
1. Use a safe space and have a water bottle handy.
2) This activity is called ‘Cards Fitness Fun.’ You will find it in the documents below.
3) You can use the suggestions for assigning exercises to each of the 4 suits or choose your own ideas. If you manage all 52 cards in one session let us know!
Task 2
L.O: To improve my core strength
- This is called the ‘Plank challenge’. not much space required.
- Planks are normally balanced on elbows and lower arms, so you can do that or follow the card. Remember to keep breathing normally, don’t hold your breath.
- Can you do this every day for a week? Set yourself a target 2 x 30 seconds? One minute? Twice a day morning and evening? Let us know!
Task 3
To improve my throwing aim
- This activity is called ‘Hit It To Win It’. You will find the document below.
- Clear a safe space. Can you score 10/10?! How can you make it harder or easier? Share your ideas!
Friday 29.01.21
L.O: To sustain vigorous activity for 40 minutes
Joe Wicks workout- have a go at two of Joe Wicks’s workouts.
Joe has announced that he is going to continue to keep the nation fit every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Find 2 of his children's workouts from this week using this link: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBodyCoachTV/videos
Y5 Wider curriculum –French - Thursday 28.01.2021
This week we are going to look at the French words for fruits and vegetables. Watch the two videos below and then write in French what foods you like and dislike on the sheet labelled ’28.01.2021 French’.
You could also draw a picture of the food and research even more French words to add to the plates!