Y5 Reading, PSHE, Wider Curriculum, PE Week beginning 05.10.20
Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 9:33am
Week beginning 05.10.20
1. Task 1 – see reading PDF
2. Task 2 – see reading PDF
3. Task 3 – Print out or read the PDF of Y5 recommended reads. Choose a book you would like to read or maybe one you have already read and would like to read again.
Week beginning 05.10.20
Print out the Courage PDF.
Design a poster choosing either the 1, 2 or 3 star options.
Wider Curriculum (Science)
Week beginning 05.10.20
LO: To describe the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth
Task 1
Print out ‘Moon’ PDF and complete task.
Use the ‘Earth and Space scientific vocab’ PDF to help with words to use.
Check your work with the ‘Model Answers’ PDF.
Task 2
Using black paper and white chalk, create a poster of a waxing and waning moon.
See PDF of ‘Phases of the Earth’s Moon’
Week beginning 05.10.20
LO: To improve your level of fitness
Task 1
Choose 10 activities on the Fun Fitness Bingo PDF and try to do each for 2 minutes, having a 30 seconds rest in between each minute.
Forward punches – 1 minute, 30 seconds rest, 1 minute
30 seconds rest
Frog jumps – 1 minute, 30 seconds rest, 1 minute
30 seconds rest
Print off the Fun Fitness Bingo Board and choose an activity to carry out at regular intervals throughout the day. To pick an exercise at random, close your eyes, put your finger down on the board and do whichever exercise your finger landed on. Can you complete all of the exercises in one day? You might want to pick two or three at a time and do them all in one go with a short ten-second break in-between each one. Or maybe you could do each exercise more than once, with a short ten-second break in-between?
Task 2
Download the Couch to 5K app. Can you follow this app and work your way up to running 5K?
Maybe you can do this already… can you improve your time, running 5K?