Y5 Maths Week beginning 11.01.2021
Date: 7th Jan 2021 @ 12:12pm
Lesson 1 Monday 11.01.21
L.O: To multiply 2 digits by 2 digits
Main task- see attached worksheet and answers
Support task- Complete the support task (grid method 2 digit by 1 digit) Use the Multiplication square to help with your times tables.
Deepening challenge- See attached worksheet and answers
Lesson 2: Tuesday 12.1.21
L.O: To multiply 3 digits by 2 digits
Main task- see attached worksheet and answers
Support task- - Complete the support task (multiplying 2 digit by 1 digit) and go through your answers at the end. Use the Multiplication square to help with your times tables.
Deepening challenge- See attached worksheet and answers
Lesson 3- Wednesday- 13.1.21
L.O: To multiply 4 digits by 2 digits (basic practise)
Main task- see attached worksheet and answers
Support task- If you are finding multiplying 4-digits by 2 digits difficult. Choose the support task sheet (2 digit x 2 digit using the grid method) and go through your answers at the end.
Deepening challenge- See attached worksheet and answers
Lesson 4- Thursday- 14.1.21
L.O: To multiply 4 digits by 2 digits
Main task- see attached worksheet and answers
Support task- If you are finding multiplying 4-digits by 2 digits difficult. Choose the support task sheet (2 digit x 2 digit) and go through your answers at the end.
Deepening challenge- Deepening challenge- See attached worksheet and answers
Lesson 5- Friday 15.01.21
L.O: To apply my mental arithmetic knowledge and skills
1) Complete the BEAT THAT sheet and mark it (15 minutes). Keep a note of your score and see if you can improve it each week.
2) Complete the ‘Learn its’ sheet and time yourself to see how long it takes you. See if you can improve your time each week. Then, mark it to see how many you got correct. Keep a note of your score and see if you can improve it each week.
3) Complete the mental arithmetic paper (20 minutes) and mark it. Keep a note of your score and see if you can improve it each week.
Support task- There is also a mental arithmetic paper you could choose called 'Support mental arithmetic' if you find the main task too challenging. This has last year's objective to make it a little easier for you.