Y5 Maths - the final week!
Date: 10th Jul 2020 @ 11:08am
Hello and welcome to the last week of term! Maths this week has lots of choices. It's gentle but there's lots there to keep you going. I have even found some very cheesy holiday jokes to keep you entertained...(Mums and Dads feel free to steal them as your own jokes to increse your street cred...)
1. What is brown, hairy and wears sunglasses?
A coconut on holiday
2. What kind of water cannot freeze?
Hot water.
3. How do we know that the ocean is friendly?
It waves!
I have included 3 Y5 maths mats that use all the skills you have developed so far in Y5. It will be good to see which skills you are confident with and what you need more support on in Year 6. The Y6 teachers are very much ready to help you with the skills that you need more help on so don't worry! In Y6 they will help you consollidte the Y5 learning first so no panicing please! I have then attached a Y5 maths booklet. There's LOADS to do in here, it'll keep you going for days.
Have a lovely summer guys and I can't wait to see you at a distance in Y6
from Mrs C
4. Where do sheep go on vacation?
The Baaa-hamas.
5. And where do sharks go on vacation?
6. What is the difference between a piano and a fish?
You can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish.