Y5 English Week beginning 12.10.20
Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 12:21pm
Lesson 1
LO: To indicate possibility using modal verbs
See PowerPoint
- Follow the PowerPoint to learn about the different ways modal verbs are used
- Your task is on page 8 of the PowerPoint.
- If you need support, use the sentence starters on page 8 to help you think of different sentences
- For a challenge, do not use the sentence starters and think of your own sentences for the four sections, using modal verbs.
- There is a sheet called ‘modal verbs’ to remind you about which words are modal verbs.
Lesson 2
LO: To identify expanded noun phrases
- Work through the PowerPoint to learn about expanded noun phrases. You will have done this in Year 4, so it should only be a recap lesson
- Complete the task. The first page is the main task. The second page is the challenge.
- If you need support, use the help sheet to remind you about expanded noun phrases.
- Check through your answers which are on page 3 and 4 of the document.
Lesson 3
LO: To identify adverbials of time, manner and place
- Work through the PowerPoint to remind yourself about adverbials.
- Complete the task by underlining the adverbials in the sentence
- Check your work by looking at the answers on page 3 of the task document.
Lesson 4
LO: To create and correctly punctuate adverbials
- If you need to, work through the PowerPoint from yesterday reminding you about adverbials
- First, work through the task called ‘Task 1 Correctly punctuating adverbials’ and add the commas into the correct place in the sentence
- Check the answers on page 3 of the sheet
- Then, work through the task called: 'Task 2 Creating adverbials of manner’. Adverbials/adverbs of manner are the hardest to create. They tell us ‘how’ a verb is being done, such as ‘The man ran quickly’. Quickly is the adverb because it’s describing ‘how’ the man ran..
- Check the answers on page 3 of the task.
Lesson 5
LO: To proof-read for spelling mistakes
1) Open the word document that says ‘Spelling task’
2) Work through the tasks, trying your best to correct the spellings that are circled and the spellings that you think are incorrect
3) If you need support, use the help sheet named: 'Year 5 and 6 spelling help sheet'.
4) Check your work using the answer sheet