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Y5 English Week beginning 11.01.2021

Date: 7th Jan 2021 @ 2:37pm

Y5 English Week Beginning 11.01.2021

This week our English will be focussing all around a video stimulus called ‘Ride of Passage.’

Please follow the link below so that you can access the video. You can watch the video as many times as you like throughout the week.

Please be aware that for English this week we have uploaded one PDF document for the children’s learning. The resources for the week's learning are in this one document. 

Underneath we have done a day by day summary as to which task we would like the children to complete. This summary will indicate which page of the PDF document the children’s task is on.


Please do not complete more than the task stated on each day as the children will be doing the same work at home as they are in school and it good for us to be consistent in both school and remote learning.

We will be focussing on the ‘Ride of Passage’ for two full weeks.

Monday 11.01.2021 - page 3 PDF document

LO To sequence a story

Please watch ‘Ride of Passage’

Today we would like you to focus on page 3 of the PDF document. Once you have finished watching ‘Ride of Passage’, please can you create a comic book strip detailing what happens in the video. Don’t forget, a comic book strip needs picture and written detail and it should be done in the correct sequence.

You will find the worksheet on Page 3 of the PDF document.

We would love to see these uploaded to your class dojo portfolios!

Tuesday 12.1.2021 – page 4 and 5 PDF document

LO To use expanded noun phrases

Today we would like you to begin to build ideas for a setting description. Look at the image of a rainforest on page 4. Your task is to annotate everything you can see in this picture, using arrows and labels. Where possible, try to use an expanded noun phrase in your description, high-level vocabulary and figurative language. There is an example done for you on page 4. There is also a video here to help you revise what an expanded noun phrase is:

Once you have finished page 4, move onto page 5. Using your notes from the previous page to begin, start to add more detail to your images by filling in the senses web. Try to get at least 5 ideas in each section. Remember, senses are things you can hear, touch, smell, taste and feel.

You will find the worksheet on Page 4 and 5 of the PDF document.

Wednesday 13.1.2021 – page 6 and 7 PDF document

LO To use hyphenated words and synonyms

A synonym is a word, morpheme or phrase which has the exact same meaning, or a very similar meaning, to another word. For example, synonyms of 'happy' include 'joyful', 'cheery' and 'contented'.

Looking at the colour thesaurus on page 6, write descriptions of anything you can see on the rainforest picture from yesterday, using hyphenated adjectives.

Look at my example below:

The flowers, that were blowing in the wind, were amethyst-pink.

If you need lined paper to do this task, please print out page 7 and complete your work on there.

You should aim to write 10 sentences in total, one for each colour on the colour thesaurus on page 6.

You will find the worksheet on Page 6 and 7 of the PDF document.

Thursday 14.1.2021 – page 8 and 9 PDF document

LO To use relative clauses

Today we would like you to practise using relative clauses. Remember, a relative clause gives extra information and it has to start with a relative pronoun of who, which, whose, whom or that.

Please watch this video on relative clauses to remind you how they work.

Work through pages 8 and 9 of the PDF document by improving the simple sentences by adding a relative clause.

Friday 15.01.2021 – page 10 and 11 PDF document

LO To use features of a setting description

Using what we have learned so far, write a setting description to describe a rainforest setting. Use the image below to start your imagination, or scan the QR code and use the video attached as your inspiration. The video link is also below.

Try to write at least 3 different paragraphs. Each one should be about a different feature of the setting.

Try to refer to the skills checklist at the front of the PDF document t to ensure you are including all the features in your setting description.

We would love to see these on your class dojo portfolios!

You will find the worksheet on Page 10 and 11 of the PDF document

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