Y5 English Week beginning 09.11.20
Date: 6th Nov 2020 @ 7:56pm
Y5 English
Monday 09.11.20
L.O: To use expanded noun phrases and prepositional phrases
Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBGDmin_38E&t=184s
(This is the same clip as last week).
Jot down any vocabulary that relates to the anatomy of the creatures.
Using the ‘Insects pictures’ pdf, choose an image to draw.
Write 6 sentences about your chosen creature.
Your sentences should be expanded noun phrases and prepositional phrases.
(Read through the expanded noun phrases sheet for help.)
(Read through the ‘prepositional-and-adverbial-phrases-presentation’ PP if you need a recap.)
Tuesday 10.11.20
LO: To use cohesive devices in a paragraph
Using your sentences from yesterday, put them into a paragraph of writing about your creature.
Use the ‘Cohesive devices success criteria’ to make sure you have included everything should have.
Wednesday 11.11.20
LO: To select formal vocabulary and grammatical structures
Watch: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zmnvgwx
Complete all 4 activities if you can.
Thursday 12.11.20 and Friday 13.11.20
LO: To select formal vocabulary and grammatical structures
Read through the power point and follow the instructions.
You will need some paper and something to write on for slide 3 – sorting activity, slide 5, 7 and 9.
You could do half of the power point on Thursday and the other half on Friday.