Y5 English Week beginning 08.02.2021
Date: 2nd Feb 2021 @ 2:52pm
Please be aware that for English this week we have uploaded 1 PDF document that will include all of the worksheets.
Underneath, we have done a day by day summary as to which task we would like the children to complete. This summary will indicate which page of the PDF document the children’s task is on.
Please do not complete more than this task as the children will be doing the same work at home as they are in school and it good for us to be consistent in both school and remote learning.
Monday 08.02.21 – pages 1 and 2 of the PDF document
LO: To classify adverbial phrases/ adverbs
Adverbial phrases (more than one word) and adverbs (one word) tell us more about a verb. They tell us:
-WHEN something happens (time) At midnight,
-WHERE something happens (place) Under the stairs,
-HOW something happens (manner) Quickly,
-THE ORDER that things are happening (number) Finally,
We are focussing on, time, place and number adverbials/adverbs today.
- Task 1- Complete page 1 ‘Adverbial sort’. Sort the adverbials into adverbials of place, time and number.
- Mark your answers on page 13.
- Task 2- Complete page 2. Use an adverbial from each column to write a sentence, in your best handwriting. Remember the comma if you are using an adverbial at the start of your sentence (fronted adverbial).
Example: Behind the tree, there were two little squirrels fighting over some food.
Support task- Use the Adverb Examples word bank posters to help you. Only complete page 1.
Deepening challenge- Think of your own adverb/adverbial, one for each category.
Tuesday 09.02.21 – pages 3 and 4 of the PDF document
LO: To identify adverbial phrases/adverbs
We are focussing on, time, place and manner adverbials/adverbs today.
- Task 1- Complete page 3 ‘Anna Adverbial’. Underline the adverbials in the sentences and modify the two sentences.
- Mark your answers on page 13
- Task 2- Complete page 4. Have a look through your reading books at home. See how the authors use different adverbial phrases/adverbs to start sentences. Find some examples and add them to the table.
Support task- Only complete page 3. Use the posters to help you in the documents section.
Deepening challenge- find at least 6 of each when completing page 4.
Wednesday 10.02.21 – pages 5, 6 and 7 of the PDF document
LO: To apply adverbials/adverbs for cohesion
Cohesion is when a piece of writing flows fluently. Adverbials/adverbs create this by linking paragraphs together. It helps the reader to understand what is happening.
- Task 1- Complete pages 5, 6 and 7 of the PDF document. Read the paragraphs and apply the adverbs/adverbials to the correct place to develop cohesion.
- Mark your answers on page 14 and 15.
Support task- Only complete page 7 ‘Adverbials of number’.
Deepening challenge- After applying the correct adverbials, come up with your own for each missing place.
You can use the ‘Y5 and Y6 adverbials for cohesion poster’ to help you.
Thursday 11.02.21 – pages 8, 9 and 10 of the PDF document
LO: To apply adverbials/adverbs for cohesion
- Order the pictures on page 8 to create a story. You can follow the traditional story of ‘sleeping beauty’ or you can make up your own.
- Stick them onto pages 9 and 10 and write a paragraph for each picture.
- Use adverbials/adverbs of time, manner, place and number to link the paragraphs together.
- Underline the adverbials/adverbs you have used.
Support task- Use the modelled write to help you structure your story. Use the posters to help insert adverbials into your story.
Deepening challenge- create your own story using adverbials/adverbs to link the paragraphs.
Friday 12.02. 21 – pages 11 and 12 of the PDF document
Task 1) LO: To practise my joined handwriting (30 minutes)
- Decide on where you think the words fit in the sentences on page 11 and 12.
- Copy out the sentences onto lined paper using joined handwriting.
Task 2) L.O: To recall my adverbial phrase/adverb knowledge and skills (30 minutes)
- Create a poster explaining what an adverbial phrase/adverb is to a Y5 child who has never studied them before.
- You must include:
-The difference between an adverb and an adverbial phrase
-What an adverbial/adverb of time, manner, place and number is.
-Examples of each
Support task- Use the posters in the document sections of the blog to help you
Deepening challenge- choose any theme to base your poster on: animal, cars, unicorns, aliens etc.