Y5 English WB 29th June
Date: 25th Jun 2020 @ 9:21am
Monday 29th June
Aim: Listen to one of the classic tales of Sinbad the Sailor. Retell the story. Revise and practise the use of conjunctions
You will start the week off by reading the introduction to a Sinbad tale. Can you retell the story in four scenes? Afterwards, you will practise using conjunctions to join clauses.
Tuesday 30th June
Aim: Listen to a further tale of Sinbad and summarise this part of the story. Revise phrases and differentiate these from clauses. Revise the use of prepositions.
Yesterday you started reading a Sinbad tale. Look carefully at the Sinbad illustration. What do you notice? Today you will listen to the second part of the story. Can you retell the story in four scenes?
You will also have the opportunity to practise your grammar again today. Use the PowerPoint presentation on prepositions. Can you identify phrases and distinguish these from clauses, then use prepositions to add information?
Wednesday 1st July
Aim: Listen to the last part of this tale. Summarise the story. Compare oral and written traditional versions.
Today you will watch the last part of the story and retell it in four scenes. You will then read a written version of the story and identify differences to the oral version. What similarities and differences do you notice?
Thursday 2nd July
Aim: Read a set of poems by Grace Nichols. Compare two poems, one from the first set, and one a traditional African poem.
Have you ever read any poems about by Grace Nichols? Today you will read a selection of her poems and answer questions. You will then compare one of her poems with an African traditional poem. Which poem do you like the best?
Friday 3rd July
Aim: Research vocabulary in a poem Insults for Villains. Read a draft poem. Write own poem.
Today you will have the opportunity to write a poem of your own. Start by researching challenging vocabulary in a poem about Insults for Villains! Can you use any of the new vocabulary you have researched in your poem?