Y4 Remote Education Wider Curriculum, Reading, PSHE, PE 05.07.21
Date: 1st Jul 2021 @ 6:26pm
Wider Curriculum
Task 1
LO: To research designs and create a design criteria, aimed at a particular group.
Look at the pictures of bug hotels.
Make a list of design criteria for your own bug hotel.
What do you want yours to be like?
- I want to make a Bug Hotel for minibeasts to live in for my garden.
- I want it to be made from recycled and natural materials.
- I want it to be an attractive design
- I want it to be inviting for insects and bugs.
- I want to be able to observe the bugs inside.
- It needs to be well- made (not fall apart).
Choose two pictures of bug hotels you like and make notes on what they have according to your design criteria.
See WAGOLL for help.
Task 2
Design your own bug hotel.
See the Design Wagoll for what you could do.
Start collecting what you need (recycled and natural materials) to make your bug hotel based on your design criteria.
Tasks 1, 2 and 3
PSHE – Anti-Bullying
Watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_B6ro7M4mZg
This is a good video about why a bully might be bullying and understanding their motive.
Watch this clip about girls playing football: https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/50250882
Why might boys think girls cannot/should not play football?
What sports does the world view as boys’ sports or girls’ sports?
On the Anti-bullying sheet, write down lists of what you think are girls’ sports and boys’ sports in the venn diagram. Do any go in the middle?
Look at your lists. How would you feel if you were told you couldn’t do any of these?
Task 1 – Transporter
Task 2 – Walk the Plank
Task 3 – What’s that word
Task 4 – What’s the time Mr Wolf