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Y4 Reading and Wider Curriculum week beginning 22.2.21

Date: 11th Feb 2021 @ 11:20am


LO:  Compassion

This is about being compassionate, being kind to others and developing a growth mind set too.

Compassion means being concerned about other people when they are suffering (having a bad time).

Start the seven-day compassion challenge.

Think about seven ways you or a friend could show compassion to other people.

Ideas might include things that could be done in school, supporting the work of a charity or helping a family member.

Can you try and do these compassionate things?  How many do you think you can carry out?

E.g. Giving you mum or dad a cuddle when they are feeling stressed.

Offering to do the washing up if you see your parents have a lot to do.

Give a grandparent a call if they are missing seeing people.



Task 1 – Fiction

Task 2 – Non – Fiction

Task 3 – First News



LO: To recognise the religions and beliefs followed by Anglo-Saxons.

Read through the information and watch the clip on:

Read through the power point.

Choose your favourite Anglo-Saxon Pagan God.

Draw a picture of them and then label your picture with as many facts you know about them from the power point.

*Challenge – Can you find out any more information about your chosen God or Goddess?

Try ‘googling’ your chosen God or Goddess – E.g. search ‘Thunor Anglo-Saxon God facts for kids’

This is a good website to try:,him%20in%20Anglo%2DSaxon%20graves.

See the WAGOLL for an example of how to set it out.



LO: To improve level of strength and fitness

Task 1 – Air Hockey or Dancing

Air Hockey – see PDF.

Dancing - Watch the video and follow the dance moves. 

It is about 20 minutes long. 

Take a break if you need to and remember to drink water.


Task 2 – Jumping Dice or Yoga

Jumping Dice – See PDF.

Watch and follow the ‘Minecraft’ Yoga instructions.



LO: To identify inspirational Christians from our world today.

Mother Teresa is a Christian who dedicated her life to helping others.

Read through the power point and then do the task.


Write 5 interview questions you would ask Mother Teresa.

Write 5 replies to those questions in the way you think Mother Teresa would answer.

*Challenge: Can you work with someone else?  One of you be the interviewer and the other be Mother Teresa?

Can you do the interview and record it?



Week beginning 22.02.21

There are two tasks do in music today. Click on the attached document to see what they are. 






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