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Y4 Reading and Wider Curriculum week beginning 1.3.21

Date: 25th Feb 2021 @ 2:52pm


LO:  Resourcefulness

Read through and watch the youtube links on the power point.

Try and think about and answer the questions that are asked.

Using what you have learnt about resourcefulness, create a poster that shows a good example for each aspect of resourcefulness – Questioning, imagining, reasoning, making links and Capitalising.

See WAGOLL for ideas.



Task 1 – Fiction

Task 2 – Non – Fiction

Task 3 – First News


History Task 1

LO: To analyse and describe Anglo-Saxon artefacts and explain what they can teach us about Anglo-Saxon culture.

Go to this website:

and scroll down to the bottom to the ‘Anglo-Saxon artefacts gallery’ where there are artefacts to look at and find out about.

Look at the artefacts PDF and the table to fill in on the Task PDF.

Draw and answer the questions for each artefact on the table.  For ‘Artefact 4’, find one yourself on the internet.  Google ‘Anglo-Saxon artefacts’ and you will find lots to choose between.


History Task 2

LO: To explore the Anglo-Saxon alphabet and compare it to the alphabet we use today.

Look at the Anglo-Saxon alphabet on the PDF.  These letters were called ‘Runes’.

Have a go at writing your name in Runes.

Read through the Anglo-Saxon Letters power point.

Combining the runes and the Anglo-Saxon letters, can you write your name in illuminated letters?

Alternatively, you could write the first letter of your name.

Use a whole piece of A4 paper to make your first letter or your name look beautiful.  Remember to add images of people, animals, plants or mythological creatures to enhance the first letter.

Look at the WAGOLL for an idea of what to do.  Can you work out my name?



LO: To improve level of strength and fitness

Task 1 – ‘What’s this?’ Workout fitness video

Watch and follow the fitness video, choosing which exercise you do as you guess the answers.

Go to this website:

And try out a ‘Zootropolis’ shake up game – I like ‘Judy’s Hopathon’


Task 2 – ‘Would you rather’ Workout fitness video

Watch and follow the fitness video, choosing which exercise you want to do as you go along.

Look at the PDF and choose one of the activities to do.

There are 5 mini Olympics activities to choose between. 

Some of them need equipment.  You might need to be creative with what you use.



Task 1

Go through the Powerpoint.  Then, have a go at following the body percussion (at the end of the Powerpoint).

Task 2 – see attached sheet

Files to Download