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Y4 Reading and Wider Curriculum week beginning 1.2.21

Date: 29th Jan 2021 @ 9:50am


Watch the Horrible Histories clip:

Listen out for any places the Anglo-Saxons settled in.

Read through the power point ‘Anglo-Saxon 7 Kingdoms’.

Complete the blank map of Britain, filling in the names of the 7 kingdoms.

Using the map of British counties and the map you have completed, answer the questions as best you can.



Task 1 – Fiction – Choose the *, ** or *** option

Task 2 – Non – Fiction

Task 3 – First News


PSHE – This week is Children’s Mental Health Week 2021 (1-7 Feb)

There is a Whole School blog with extra activities this week if you want some more things to do.

LO: To find creative ways to express ourselves

We are all different and will find different creative ways to express ourselves.

Finding healthy ways to express ourselves can make us feel good, happy, relaxed,

excited, connected ...

Watch this very short video clip:

We can find creativity in many different ways.

Remember, when we express ourselves we don’t have to be a great artist or a wonderful dancer. It’s not about being the very best at something or putting on a performance.

What do you like to do to express yourself?

I am putting something on the class story that I like to do to express myself.

Can you do something that allows you to express yourself? 

Is it a drawing or a dance or making something? 

Upload it to Classdojo if you can – it might be a video of you doing something?

If you are stuck for ideas, watch this video clip:

and have a go at making the little doggy.  You will need a square piece of paper.

Could you make a different animal?

There is also a PDF of patterns you can continue.  This is a nice relaxing, mindful activity you might enjoy whilst being creative and expressing yourself.



LO: To ask and answer questions about drink choices.

Our focus this week is going to be the French words for common drinks that you have at home.

Watch the video that introduces drinks.

Look through the powerpoint and have a go at the role play activity at the end – use the PDF sheet.

Maybe you could get a sibling or parent to play with you?

I also want you to go onto the Linguascope website and do some of the activities to review what we have been learning this year.



Task 1

LO: To learn about a composer and create a graphic score

Time for a bit of Doctor Who!  Delia Derbyshire, swapped traditional musical instruments for electronic sounds, changed the sound of orchestral music forever!

Watch and read:

Now to create a graphic score: 

•             Take a piece of paper (A3 is better) and place it landscape.

•             Choose 2 colours; one to represent the bass line and another for the melody.

•             Listen to the full orchestra performance again and see if you can identify the pounding bass line; draw this bass line running across the bottom of your page.  Don’t just draw a line though!  Listen and mark the shapes that represent the shape of the music.

•             Listen to the performance again and draw the famous, swooping melody.  This can cover the top half of the page, again running from left to right.

•             Now look at your final result.  This is an example of a graphic score – music which doesn’t have to be written out using notation (line and dots).

•             Take a picture of your graphic score and put it on Class Dojo if you can.

Now listen to a different version:

Which one do you prefer and why?


Task 2

Time for movement to rhythms!  Have a go at following this Musicograma Pink Panther video:



Task 1

LO: To improve level of fitness

Now that the snow has gone…

Download the Couch to 5K app.  Can you follow this app and work your way up to running 5K?

Maybe you can do this already… can you improve your time, running 5K?

If you can’t get out to do this task, there is an alternative…

LO: To improve level of fitness

Go to Youtube  -

Watch Joe Wicks as he takes you through a really good work out.

Make sure you have got enough space to move, have flexible clothing on and are drinking plenty of water.


Task 2

LO: To improve level of fitness


Make sure you scroll down to find all the activities. 

Pick 4 or 5 different activities to complete as well as you can.

Remember to rest and drink plenty of water between each activity.           



LO: To investigate the  Etcha sketch program

Explore the Etcha Sketch activity here:

What can you draw with it? Initials/shapes/pictures etc.

Investigate how to add blocks to change the colour of the pen, thickness of the pen etc.

Files to Download