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Y4 English week beginning 8.2.21

Date: 4th Feb 2021 @ 11:37am

Y4 English

Monday 08.02.21

LO:  To learn about the features of a non-chronological report

We will be continuing with our focus on the film ‘Soar’ this week in English. Watch it again to remind yourself of what it is about:

Later in the week, you are going to write a non-chronological report about model aircraft – just like the one Mara makes!

  1. A non-chronological report is a non-fiction report that is not written in time order.
  2. Read through the PowerPoint to learn about non-chronological reports.
  3. Look at the list of facts about model aircraft on Activity sheet page 1. Cut them up and try to group them into categories.
  4. Now decide on a sub-heading for each category. E.g. ‘What are model aircraft made out of?’ Use page 2 on the activity sheet to help you if you are stuck.
  5. Technical language are words that relate to the topic of the non-chronological report, such as ‘construction’ and ‘radio-controlled’. Can you spot any technical language in the sentences you have cut up?
  6. Challenge: On page 3 of the activity sheet, write some of the technical words you find, and use a dictionary, or on Google type ‘online dictionary’, to find out what the words mean.


Paper Plane competition: Who can make a paper plane fly the furthest? Measure your attempt and be ready to report back!


Tuesday 09.02.21

LO: To research information for a non-chronological report

  1. What sub-headings did you come up with yesterday? How do model aircraft fly? What are model aircraft made from? These are the building blocks of your non-chronological report and today you will be researching information to put into your report.
  2. It is better to search words such as ‘model aircraft facts’ ‘model airplanes facts for kids’ – using the words ‘for kids’ will bring up child friendly websites. Or search specific questions ‘what are model aircraft are made from?’
  3. Choose two different sub-headings and write them down on the research template. Now try to find facts for each one. Find at least 3 facts for each one and write them in the boxes in your own words.
  4. Challenge: Add a third box with a third subheading and research some facts.



Wednesday 10.02.21

LO: To plan a non-chronological report

Today you will be putting all your research from yesterday into sentences and planning your non-chronological report.

  1. Look at the WAGOLL. Can you spot the features of a non-chronological report? Use the checklist to help you.
  2. On the planning template, have a go at writing a sub-heading and then, using your research, write a paragraph related to the sub-heading. Remember these things:
  • Facts
  • Present tense
  • Technical language
  • Third person
  • Formal




Thursday 11.02.21

LO: To write a non-chronological report

Now you are going to put all your research and planning into one non-chronological report.

  1. Firstly, you need to write an introduction. An introduction is designed to hook the reader and should be no longer than a few sentences long. It includes the 5Ws – Who, What, Where, When and Why.  These details are written on page 1 of today’s activity sheet, ready for you to turn into sentences.
  2. Page 2 of today’s activity sheet is where you are going to write your non-chronological report. Write your introduction and then complete the different boxes. Don’t forget to include the features of a non-chronological report, including: topic title, brief introduction, categories, sub-headings, fact boxes or bullet points, facts, present tense, technical language, glossary, third person, formal.
  3. Use the WAGOLL from yesterday to help you.


Friday 12.02.21

LO: Spelling – The suffic ‘-cian’ used instead of ‘-sion’ when the root word ends in ‘c’ or ‘cs’

  1. Work your way through the activities on the sheets. Activity 1 is a matching exercise and look, say, cover, write, check with handwriting practise too!
  2. Activity 2 is a word search and sentences to complete.

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