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Y4 English week beginning 1.2.21

Date: 29th Jan 2021 @ 9:57am

Monday 01.02.21

LO:  To develop a character

The next few weeks of English are all going to be based around a short film called ‘Soar’.

The link to the film can be found here:



  1. After you have watched the film, think carefully about all the aspects of Mara’s appearance from her eyes to her clothes.
  2. On the activity sheet, write some sentences outside the outline to describe Mara’s appearance. Remember to use expanded noun phrases, e.g Mara has dark brown, kind eyes which are framed by enormous, thin rimmed glasses.
  3. Now think about what she is like on the inside. Write some sentences inside the outline which describe Mara’s personality e.g. Mara is resilient as she doesn’t give up.
  4. Use the word bank on the second page of the activity sheet to help you with ideas and vocabulary if you need to.

Tuesday 02.02.21

LO: To write a character description

Today you are going to use the sentences that you wrote yesterday to create a character description of Mara. First of all, watch the video again, following the link from yesterday.

  1. Get your activity from yesterday and look at the sentences you wrote. How could you improve them?
  2. Read the WAGOLL which is a description of Mara. What is good about this example?
  3. Write your own description of Mara. Use the checklist to ensure you have included everything.


Wednesday 03.02.21

LO: To use subordinating conjunctions

Today you will be learning what a subordinating conjunction is and then practising using it.

  1. Go through the PowerPoint, trying the quiz and the examples as you go.
  2. Choose the *, ** or *** activity sheet depending on how confident you feel and complete the sentences.
  3. Mark your work using the answer sheet provided.


Thursday 04.02.21

LO: To write a dialogue between two characters

In the film, there is no speaking. We understand what is happening by looking at the characters’ facial features and actions. Today you are going to add some speech into the story by writing some dialogue between two characters.

  1. Watch the two videos on this website:
  2. Pick two characters from the film ‘Soar’.
  3. On the planning sheet, decide which characters are talking, how they are talking and what they are saying. Jot down your notes.
  4. Have a go at writing some speech between the two characters. Use the reporting clause word bank to help you make the dialogue exciting.
  5. Check you’ve included all the correct punctuation on the checklist.


Friday 05.02.21

LO: Spelling - The suffix ‘-ion’ becomes ’-ssion’ when the root word ends in ’ss’ or ‘mit.’

  1. Go through the activity sheets. Match the sentences and copy out the spellings three times.

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